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發表於 2018-12-6 20:29:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Abena RockcliffePoliticians are likely to confront and logically address the real issues affecting Guyana during the heat of thePresident Donald Ramotarcampaign season for General and Regional Elections slated for May,China Jerseys, 11, 2015.If they all stick to their words, Guyanese will see representatives from each of the three main political forces in Guyana on a platform defending their records, policies and putting forward a logistical plan to move Guyana forward.Moses Nagamootoo of the Alliance for Change (AFC) — which recently joined forces with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) — told Kaieteur News that his party is eagerly hoping to debate the incumbent People’s Progressive Party (PPP).He said that the AFC and APNU are hoping that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) would put out a schedule of debates “and once that happens, we are ready for them, any time any place.”The longtime politician said that his favourite topic would be corruption.The PPP has also committed to public debates.At a recent press conference, Rohee said that the PPP is ready for any debate and would be willing to publicly defend the party’s record in administrative office.APNU Leader and APNU-AFC presidential candidate, David Granger told Kaieteur News that he would not give up an opportunity to debate the PPP.He said, “I am fully prepared to go public to put forward the good plans this alliance has in store for Guyanese”.Granger added that he has always been prepared for debates and alluded to the 2011 elections campaign. HePrime Ministerial hopeful, Moses Nagamootoorecalled that debates were organized and all three parties—PPP, AFC and APNU—agreed to go through with it. “But by the second round President Ramotar disappeared and it was only me and (AFC Leader and 2011 Presidential Candidate) Mr. (Khemraj) Ramjattan,Alejandro Villanueva Jersey,” said Granger.The politician told this publication that it’s now up to President Ramotar to decide whether or not he is willing to face the music and “explain the damage he and his predecessor, (Former President Bharrat Jagdeo) inflicted on Guyana…Ramotar has to know if he is willing to appear publicly to defend the policies he implemented over his three-year tenure as President of Guyana.”APNU’s Carl Greenidge told this newspaper that his coalition really thinks that debates are essential for elections in Guyana. He said that it gives voters an opportunity to know more about the prospects.“TV debate gives insight. It is much more intricate than Radio. In TV it is more than just the message.  Dressing too relaxed or too tense can cost a candidate. As simple as a crooked tie can be a distraction and candidates do not want to appear less than sincere,Maglia Juventus Bambino, because that can be costly as well,Nike Air Max Shop Australia,” said Greenidge. He said that Guyanese deserve to be given such option when choosing a leader.Guyana has been changing quite a few things on the political scene to match-up with the policies of certain developed countries.For instance, there have been amendments to the constitution barring a President from holding office forPresidential hopeful,Manchester City Store UK, David Grangermore than two terms.  That was patterned from the United States of America (USA).Debates are big as well in the USA whenever there are elections.During presidential elections in the United States,Jerseys Wholesale, it has become customary for the main candidates (almost always the candidates of the two largest parties,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, currently the Democratic Party and the Republican Party) to engage in debates. The topics discussed are often the most controversial issues of the time, and arguably elections have been nearly decided by these debates. Candidate debates are not constitutionally mandated, but it is now considered a de facto election process. The debates are targeted mainly at undecided voters; those who tend not to be partial to any political ideology or party.

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