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發表於 2018-12-7 06:52:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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APNU Region One representative,Nike Air Max Rebajas, Renita Lolita Williams,Dortmund Trikot 2018/19, was yesterday sworn in by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman,Maillot Psg Femme, as the newest Member of Parliament. Williams’ swearing in, as an MP,Cheap Basketball Jerseys China, comes in the wake of an APNU seat in the House being declared vacant following the resignation of its Region One Representative, Richard Allen,Uniforme Del Real Madrid 2018, who collapsed in the House on Thursday and had to be hospitalised.Newly Sworn in Member of Parliament Renita WilliamsAccording to the Speaker, he was informed by Calvin Benn, the Chief Elections Officer (ag) that the name of Williams was extracted from the list. Trotman stated that Williams was later declared by Benn as being duly elected as a Member of the National Assembly and took her Oath of Office.The speaker,Cheap Air Max Online Ireland, in welcoming the newest MP,Maillot Coupe Du Monde 2018 Officiel, told the House that with Williams in the House, Region One remains well represented. He urged her to be committed to the job.Opposition leader Brigadier (rtd) David Granger, in welcoming Williams, told her that the seat that she has just taken is a heavy burden and comes under unusual and extraordinary time. According to Granger he is confident that because of her commitment and service in the region, Williams will be able to discharge her duty at this time.Alliance for Change leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, also expressed congratulations to Williams.  Ramjattan stated that Williams will have to acquaint herself with politics. He also said that he hopes that she will have access to certain documents in order for her to get acquainted with the workings in parliament.Williams, who hails from Moruca in the Barima/Waini Region, was also welcomed by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds along with Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodriques- Birkett and George Norton.

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