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Social welfare and education policies on truancy as it relates to deaf students are among the recommendations made in order for a Deaf Curriculum adapted by the Ministry of Education to be effective.Dr. Keren CumberbatchThis notion was yesterday emphasised by Dr. Keren Cumberbatch of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, who has been helping the local Ministry of Education to phase-in the curriculum.But in the quest to develop the curriculum, Dr. Cumberbatch said that she was shocked to see the high level of absenteeism in deaf schools. She, however, disclosed yesterday that “a lot of it (absenteeism) was understandable given infrastructure issues and parents saying that ‘they just cannot afford to transport (their children) every day or it (the school) is too far…’”She, moreover, emphasised that “we have to work out infrastructural issues but we really do need social welfare involved, because a family needs to adjust to having a deaf child present and all families cannot do that easily.”Dr. Cumberbatch, moreover, stressed the need for more parental involvement and teachers’ training, even as she added that “deaf education is something that is not easy…” As such she amplified the need for training for graduate and untrained teachers.She pointed out, too, that teachers must communicate with the child in his/her native language, ensuring that key concepts are firmly grasped and that the child should also be proficient in Signed English. And this is what the Adapted Curriculum will seek to address.Dr. Cumberbatch’s disclosures were forthcoming yesterday when the Ministry of Education launched an Adapted Curriculum for Deaf Education in Guyana at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD).In delivering an overview of the project, Dr. Cumberbatch pointed out that it wasA section of the gathering yesterday.introduced with a situational analysis of deaf education in Guyana, and followed by the formulation of a conceptual framework for language learning and teaching for the deaf Guyanese student. Yesterday’s launch marked step three of the project, whereby the deaf curriculum will be introduced at the nursery, primary and lower secondary. Slated to follow the launch is the implementation and human resource development; that is, teacher training and education resource creation. This translated to a working session with educators of deaf students yesterday facilitated by Dr. Cumberbatch and others.“We can get all the fancy documents today and if we don’t have the context in place, none of it will work,” Dr. Cumberbatch asserted.Speaking at yesterday’s forum too, Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, not only assured that his Ministry is prepared to implement what is recommended, but went on to assert his Ministry’s commitment to providing access to quality education throughout the country.“I want to assure that in relation to children with disabilities we are passionately committed to ensuring that the access to quality education does not exclude them,” the Minister added.Ms. Sabine McIntosh of the Deaf Association of Guyana said, that the adapted curriculum reflects the bilingual/bicultural approach and that deaf children will be taught to be functional and comfortable in two languages—sign language and English, and two cultures—deaf culture and the culture of the hearing.A bilingual approach in deaf education is necessary since according to McIntosh, “we believe it best prepares them for adulthood in the hearing world, without compromising their linguistic and cultural identity”.  She said, too, that early family intervention is needed and because language development is age dependent, especially for the deaf child, acquiring visual communication skills (sign language) cannot wait until nursery age; language development has to start at home.In emphasising the need to direct keen attention to deaf students, Chief Planning Officer, Ms. Evelyn Hamilton, pointed out that she had some time ago gained the awareness that students with disabilities have for too long been treated unfairly. In fact, she recalled that it was some 30 years ago she was informed that some of the brightest children in the education system were deaf and their needs were not being met. She, moreover, noted that the journey that is left to be travelled may very well be longer than what has already been trodden.Chairperson of the ceremonial launch yesterday, NCERD Director, Ms. Jennifer Cumberbatch, regarded the proceedings as a very special occasion, even as she pointed out that “education is something very special to us…it is a deliberate, purposeful activity. It serves moral, social, political, social and economic ends, and we know schools play an important part in achieving this.”As such,Jerseys Wholesale, she underscored that it is important that all students everywhere achieve education, and therefore must include children with disabilities, as this is their human right.

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