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[IQ題] Cheap NBA Jerseys Wholesale ljj5gbt1









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發表於 2018-12-13 20:48:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…EDWC water being releasedOver the next ten days,Wholesale Jerseys China, some 9.2mm of rainfall is expected per day, as the country’s drainage system continues to be under pressure with record levels of rainfall.Pumps in low-lying and vulnerable areas are working around the clock to drain accumulated water off the land.On Saturday, the East Demerara Water Conservancy Commission, at low tide, began the discharge of water. This is being done through the Maduni sluice outlet, as the level of the conservancy was nearing its full capacity.The water rose to a threatening level, posing much danger to the integrity of the conservancy dam which runs behind East Coast Demerara and Georgetown areas; and,Camo China NFL Jerseys, as such,Air Max 90 Pas Cher Destockage, the decision was taken to release some of the water from the EDWC to avoid major catastrophe.The discharge though the Maduni will last for the next 24 hours, and will take place only during the low tide so as to have minimum effect on the residents who live in the upper reaches of the Mahaica River.In a release issued by the EDWC Commission, it was stated that all precautions are being undertaken to ensure that the discharge of water does not acutely aggravate an already rising Mahaica Creek, due to the historic level of rainfall along the coast and in areas which flow into the various creeks and rivers.The EDWC Commission has been advising residents via television that the level of the conservancy has been raising to a threatening level and it may necessitate a release of water through the discharge outlet that leads into the Atlantic Ocean.In addition, residents in the upper reaches of the Mahaica and Mahaicony Creeks were advised to be on the alert and take necessary precautions should the EDWC Board decide to release the water to prevent any pressure on the dam.However, the conservancy continues to be drained through the outlets at Land of Canaan, Kofi and Cunia,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, which drain into the Demerara River, and this will be maximized so as to prevent the prolonged use of the Maduni outlet.Meanwhile, the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority, along with supporting agencies across the regions, continues to undertake critical interventions to drain accumulated water off vulnerable low-lying communities that were affected by heavy rainfall.Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud and technical officers have visited affected areas to assess the situation and examine possible interventions in communities along the East Coast,Cheap Shoes Wholesale Free Shipping, in Regions Six, Five Three, and Two.The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority has been working closely with the Regional Administrations of Regions Two, Three Four,Bayern Trikot Ausw?rts 18/19, Five, Six and 10, to coordinate interventions in addition to making preparations for the rainy season. The most recent Hydrometeorological report stated that occasional showers over most of Guyana are expected today.Tomorrow is anticipated to be cloudy to overcast, with showers and intermittent rain over coastal and inland areas.Other parts of the country can expect cloudy conditions with isolated showers.Most of Guyana can expect an increase in rainfall activities, especially over coastal and inland areas.Heavy showers and occurrences of thunder at times are also anticipated.Rainfall stations can expect an average of 25 mm of rainfall over a 24-hour period. On days with heavy rainfall, some stations may measure in excess of 60mm of rainfall,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the Hydromet report stated.

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