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[田徑] Borussia Dortmund Trikot G��nstig Kaufen l1xwmlct









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發表於 2018-12-13 21:57:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Residents of Middle Street, Pouderoyen on the West Demerara told the main opposition PNCR party recently, that they are fed up with calling on the authorities for help.Pointing to mosquito infestation stemming from constant flooding in the area, residents told the PNCR team that this was due to lack of drainage works.One resident explained that the use of insecticides is pointless and there is no practice of fogging in that community.  The PNCR team also discovered that the floodwater is stagnant and smelly, and this can be hazardous to the health of the people of that area.Residents claim that the community’s main drain has not been desilted for nearly 18 years despite the constant pronouncements by the Regional Administration.  They are convinced that if drainage works were effected their flooding problems will be solved.They are, however,Maillot Coupe Du Monde 2018 Officiel, convinced that they are obvious subjects of victimisation and racial discrimination by the present PPP/C Administration since they witness that citizens of a nearby village have continuously benefited from routine drainage works.Drains in Middle Street, Pouderoyen, are no longer dug and sprayed, and the conditions are particularly hazardous for children.The residents stated that the reality is that they continue to live in fear of being attacked by reptiles including, snakes and alligators.Additionally, the koker at Versailles has been out of order for a prolonged period and this is believed to be contributing significantly to the residents’ predicament.The regular promises by the Regional Chairman of making an excavator available to dig the trenches and to remove the silt that is currently at Versailles have failed to materialise.Meanwhile, over in the eastern part of the country in Hopetown, Berbice, residents say that they have not seen the “fairness and equitable nature” of development under the PPP following the commissioning of the new Water Treatment Plant at Cotton Tree.Members of the Hopetown Housing Co-operative Society told the opposition party that they have been struggling to have GUYWA agree to supply water to their housing development at Catherine’s Lust. The society members explained that there was no begging of GUYWA or the Government for the supply of the materials. They have already purchased all the pipelines and are going to absorb the cost of laying the network in the housing area.All they are asking is that GUYWA have the connection to their system.GUYWA’s response was that they have to pay $5 million merely for that connection.They wrote to Minister Irfaan Ali, who replied that their matter had been re-forwarded to GUYWA. After receiving no positive response, the Society then wrote to President Bharrat Jagdeo. They are still awaiting a response.The people of Hopetown have witnessed this kind of discrimination before in all aspects of infrastructural development in Region Five.Following the visits to these two communities, the PNCR has called on the ruling administration to make a reality of the President’s speech at Cotton Tree, Berbice, and ensure that equal treatment is demonstrated to all Guyanese communities.

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