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發表於 2018-12-13 21:57:56 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Ten teams to vie for top honors, Uprising are defending champsManager Guyana Beverage Inc. Robert Selman (2nd left) hands over the sponsorship cheque to First Vice President of the GFA Wayne Forde in the presence of, from left, GFA Secretary Marlan Cole, Shameeza Yadram and Sampson Gilbert. By Franklin WilsonThe Third Annual Chubby Under-13 Round Robin/Knockout competition sponsored by Guyana Beverages Inc. and organised by the Georgetown Football Association (GFA) was unveiled yesterday at the sponsors, Diamond Great Diamond,Cheap Air Max 90 Free Shipping, East Bank Demerara, Headquarters.Ten teams including defending champions Uprising will compete for the first place trophy and medals apart from other attractive incentives.All the matches will be played at the Tucville Community ground commencing on Sunday when four-games will be contested.Speaking at the launch, Guyana Beverages Inc. Manager, Robert Selman reminded the media that his company has always been in the habit of giving back to sports and the development of young people.“We try our utmost to keep the youths off the streets, as you notice here we have the Under-13. With Kool Kidz we in the schools in Berbice just trying to educate the youths to stay away from what we call the bad things.”Selman complimented the GFA for the efficient manner in which they have been running the tournament over the past two years and did not hesitate in saying that his company will be on board again in 2010.“We are very, very happy with the way the competition is being run and the way that the kids come out, sometimes with their parents who play a very important part in their development. So far, we have been very happy and our parent company in Trinidad and Tobago is very pleased and that is why we continue to put in money, we continue to grow.I am sure come 2010 we will continue to sponsor this competition.”Selman, called on the Government and the Governing Body for the Football to assist the East Bank Football Association to get the game going again in this area. Guyana Beverage Inc. had sponsored an Under-13 tournament in this area and was sharing his experience after witnessing games at the Grove Ground which needs to be developed.He noted the enthusiasm and willingness he saw in the players and parents at the facility but feels that much more needs to be done to assist the sport on the East Bank.Speaking on behalf of the GFA was First Vice President Wayne Forde who complimented the sponsor for their continued support and investment into the positive development of young people.The Guyana Beverage Inc. Forde stated, over the years has set a good example for other businesses to follow when it comes to commitment in developing a product, and in this instance, football.Technical Advisor / Public Relations Officer of the Association Sampson Gilbert delivered the vote of thanks at yesterday’s activity which was chaired by Shameeza Yadram, Marketing Assistant, Guyana Beverage Inc.The ten teams competing have been divided into two groups, A and B.Group A has defending champions Uprising, Pele, Camptown, BK International Western Tigers and Georgetown Football Club. Rivaling in group B are Fruta Conquerors, Santos, Riddim Squad, Renaissance and Flamingo.Competition will kick off on Sunday with matches being played simultaneously. Uprising and Pele face off in the first game at 08:30 as will Conquerors and Santos. The final two games will see Camptown taking on Western Tigers and Riddim Squad facing Renaissance.

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