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發表於 2018-12-27 03:21:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three members of the team that successfully staged “PRESIDENTIAL FORUM 2011” – a debate on the issues of concern to the electorate during the recently concluded Regional and National Elections in Guyana- have returned from Jamaica where they witnessed the organisation and staging of the Jamaica Debates Commission’s (JDC) third forum leading up to today’s elections.Margaret Lawrence, Durwin Humphrey, Executive Director and Project Manager respectively, of Merundoi Incorporated, and Abraham Poole, Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Media Proprietors Association, were the guests of the Jamaica Debates Commission under the auspices of The National Democratic Institute.From left, Margaret Lawrence, Prime Minister Andrew Holness, Durwin Humphrey and Abraham PooleAccording to Humphrey, the visit was an initiative of Project Manager of the JDC, Trevor Fearon, whose technical assistance on Presidential Forum 2011 was invaluable. The team witnessed the December 20, 2011 Prime Ministerial/Leadership Debate together with a team from Tunisia.Merundoi Incorporated staged “Presidential Forum 2011” in collaboration with The Guyana Press Association, the Guyana Media Proprietors Association, the Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities and the Independent Media Workers of Guyana. Technical Assistance was provided by The University of Guyana Centre for Communication Studies and The Jamaica Debates Commission (JDC).JDC was established in2002 as a voluntary partnership between the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) and the Media Association of Jamaica (MAJ) with the objective of staging political debates so as to provide a forum for the Jamaican electorate to make informed decisions.It is also working towards the establishment of a regional network of debate- organizing bodies. One of their objectives is to share their experiences with and provide technical support to developing countries e.g Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti, Peru, Burundi, Niger, Nigeria and now Guyana.JDC is developing a web portal to serve as a platform for sharing information that might prove useful to the organizers of political debates such as “ Facing the Electorate: A Manual for the Staging of General Election Debates (Policies and Procedures)” a comprehensive document outlining best practices in the planning, production and distribution of top-level political debates.They also provide technical assistance to interested debate organizers within CARICOM,Site Air Max Pas Cher, by making representatives of the JDC available to debate organizers for consultation.

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