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Maillot Psg 2019 Ext��rieur s3pu0m0w









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發表於 2019-1-8 06:00:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…expresses concern about the way company using the country’s nameClenergen Corporation yesterday announced that it had signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Growmore Biotech to undertake commercial trials of Clenergen’s tree species and bamboo on 900 acres of land in Guyana and three other countries, including the Philippines.However when contacted yesterday Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud, under whose purview such an agreement would fall, said that there is no such undertaken.Yesterday, the Minister’s first response was that he did not know, but undertook to make checks.The Minister then informed that there was no such agreement signed, neither was there any negotiations formal or informal.Persaud said, too, that while they were looking into the issue we would like to place on record that he is very concerned that companies are using Guyana’s name like that.He said that he was concerned that the company is a stock exchange company.The incident, he said was even more worrying if the company is using Guyana’s name to gain any kind of financing.The company, according to a report on marketwatch.com has scheduled 22,000 acres under a 49- year lease agreements in various regions, which are projected to yield over 880,000 tonnes of biomass per annum by 2014 and provide fuel supply for 110MW/h of biomass power plant capacity.According to the company, it intends to produce up to 200,000 saplings per week from tissue culture.“The saplings will be shipped in quarantine-approved containers with each sapling being identical in yield, as well as being asexual and non invasive…The trials will assist in confirming the appropriate pesticides and fertilizer regime for each region identified for the trials.”The trials are expected to last six months prior to commencing full-scale plantations in each region.Plantation and agronomy management services will be provided by Growmore Biotech and the Madurai Kumaraj University, Tamilnadu, India, under the guidance of Professor K. Mutchuchelian, whose experience in biomass has been recognized by Governments throughout the world.Commenting on the Agreement, Mark Quinn, Chief Executive Officer said, “The commercial trials of our energy crops in these regions marks a cornerstone for the sustainable and profitable use of marginalized land.“The biomass feedstock produced will provide a valuable source of fuel for generating renewable power, which will significantly help alleviate rural unemployment and counter the course of urbanization in these regions”.Dr Barathi, Director of Growmore Biotech,Cheap Authentic Soccer Jerseys, said, “Clenergen continues to execute on its agronomy and technology programs as scheduled and we are delighted to be a part of this exciting and dynamic company. They are destined to become one of the leading organizations in the renewable energy sector”.

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