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發表於 2019-1-26 03:32:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With local chicken producers increasing their production to satisfy local markets, the availability and price of chicken and eggs have been stabilized since October. As such,Stitched NFL Jerseys Outlet, there will be no shortage of chicken and eggs on the markets during the Christmas season and January 2012.This is according to David Fernandes, Member of the Guyana Poultry Association, who emphasised that local farmers have reached the capacity to be the sole suppliers of chicken and eggs on the market.Fernandes stated that currently there is imported chicken on the market. However, local farmers are looking forward to February 2012 when their licences to import chicken will expire.He noted that farmers have increased their production to meet local demands since former Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad, made it clear that only when they could supply market demands then the Ministry will stop granting import licences.Consumers shopping at any Bounty Supermarket will see a slight increase on chicken prices with the usual high quality. This is according to Patrick De Groot, Managing Director, of Bounty Farms Limited. He explained that the price for grains have increased, for instance, for 2011 the price for corn increased by 80 percent while the price for soya bean was increased by 21 percent.Fernandes asserted that the association is hoping that the import licences will not be renewed as the farmers have met their end of the bargain since October.According to a representative, of Guyana Stockfeeds Inc, the company has adequate supply of chicks for the Christmas season and early next year. It was noted that hatching is ongoing and the onus is on farmers to purchase. The price per chick ranges between $110 and $120.In addition, there will be no shortage of feed on the market with prices remaining as they are: the cost per bag starter is $5,200; spreader grower costs $5,100, and finisher costs $5,000.Meanwhile, Guyana’s largest producer of eggs, Edun’s Poultry Farm has enough eggs to supply the local market. It was noted that supermarkets such as Bounty Supermarket, Nigel’s Supermarket, and Survival Supermarkets will have eggs.

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