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發表於 2019-2-7 15:44:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The staff of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) came in for high praise for their rapid and effective response following Wednesday’s grenade explosion in the city, during which some 19 persons were injured and one was killed.Director of Medical Services at the GPHC, Dr. Madan Rambarran, said he was pleased with the staff’s response to the challenging situation.According to Dr. Rambarran, at around 10:30hrs on Wednesday, the hospital began receiving calls about an explosion and the need for ambulances to be dispatched to the Stabroek Market location. He explained that ambulances were immediately dispatched to the location and the Accident and Emergency Unit staff began preparing for the arrival and intake of those injured.“We had nineteen patients all together, and as fast as we got them into the emergency room, we began treating each respectively…there was never a time that a patient was left unattended.” Rambarran said that even the patients being looked at prior to the incident were dealt with in an effective and professional manner.Dr. Rambarran added that of the 19 patients from the grenade incident, three persons had to be rushed to the operating theatre for emergency surgery and the doctors were all prepared and ready to render their service at short notice.“The ophthalmologists were there… all whose services were needed at the time made themselves available.”Meanwhile, in his response to the hospital’s preparedness in the event of a more serious incident, Rambarran stated that systems are in place, as well as human resources.“Like all hospitals we have our mass casualty preparedness plan in place at all times. We are ready to take in… the least, fifty casualties at any one time in our Accident and Emergency room.”Dr. Rambarran further disclosed that the hospital has a ready supply of oxygen, blood and any other needed services.He added that arrangements are also in place for mass surgeries, and for patients to be treated at other medical institutions if the need arises.“We have a system where in the event we need more beds in the hospital we can discharge patients who are not in dire need of medical attention, we also have systems in place where additional rooms can be made readily available.”At around 10:30 hours on Wednesday, last,Air Max 90 Outlet Italia, a grenade detonated in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market. One man, identified only as ‘American’, was killed.(Jenelle Carter)

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