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發表於 2019-2-9 12:03:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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At the remarkable age of 102, Beryl Nichols, called ‘Sis’, died peacefully in the comfort of her Durban Street, Wortmanville home last Saturday morning.Nichols mothered seven children, three of whom she outlived. She is survived by her 27 grand children, the same amount of great-grandchildren, as well as 62 great-great- grandchildren and five great-great-great-grands.Nichols’s children believe that she has truly lived life to its fullest, having been the kind of person who was always open to new experiences.During an interview with Kaieteur News three years ago, Nichols credited her long life to being in constant contact with God and having a prayer relationship with him and said- “I never smoked, nor drank nor partied and I proved that God answers prayers when I met my husband.” Her husband was not as lucky, and died more than three decades ago.‘Sis’ Nichols resided in the USA for 29 years and also spent time in the United Kingdom with her grandchildren, and while she said those countries are nice, she always insisted that “Guyana is always home and I love Guyana.”Up until her passing, Nichols’s health was said to have been surprisingly good. With regards to her senses,Jerseys NFL China, she only had a slight hearing problem.‘Sis’, a girl guide, attended a private school then went on to the Ketley School before becoming a domestic for the more prominent in society and met her husband who worked at Bookers.During her final years, she was being taken care of by her youngest daughter, 64-year-old Nelly, and had expressed that she was very happy that she had the support of her loved ones as opposed to being in a home. The funeral service for the centenarian will be on Friday at the Merriman’s Funeral Home.

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