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[本地音樂] Maillot 2 Etoiles Pas Cher ptg2jdrh









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發表於 2019-2-9 15:16:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Regional Executive Officer (REO) for Region Nine, Carl Parker, yesterday refuted accusations that his office was refusing to release financial reports and to attend RDC meetings.Parker made this declaration after PPP Chief Whip Gail Teixeira claimed that his Region was not releasing financial reports and that he was not attending the Regional Democratic Council meetings.It was stated that the no-show of REOs at the RDC meetings were jeopardizing the effectual performance in the Regions.Parker, however, said the statements were totally “unfounded” since he met with the RDC Chairman thrice a week, along with attending RDC meetings every month.“I don’t know where Teixeira got her information from but I know she didn’t verify it,” he stated, adding that her statement was a cheap attempt to score political points.Teixeira had said the situation was a deliberate strategy to withhold information from PPP-controlled RDCs. She argued that the position of the REOs, including Parker, was not accidental, and so it was the job of the PPP to expose such skulduggery that may be an attempt to place PPP RDCs in a bad light.She stated that Parker has refused to give a financial report to the RDC, even though they have asked for it many times. She added that information received revealed that the region has $464 M remaining in their budget allocated for projects.“The REO has refused to give them any status report on the capital budget which is about $180M,” she said further, noting that the situation in the Region was distasteful.She claimed, further, that there was $175 million left over in the education budget and $105 in the health budget. She also revealed information that there was a shortage of drugs and medical supplies in the Region, including the Lethem Hospital.Parker said his Region has completed all but two projects. He said that one of the projects was awarded less than two weeks ago while they were trying to secure fiscal resources for the construction of the other project.Nevertheless, he said there was some amount of money remaining in the education budget but it was put aside for buying ration for four hostels in the Region when the new school term commences in January.He denied that there was a shortage of drugs and medical supplies in the Region or in the Lethem hospital. “If there was a shortage the Regional Health Officer would have informed me.”Contrarily, he stated that it was the Chairman who was being insubordinate and not respecting authority. He said the chairman was going against protocol and giving out instructions to his staff.He said the Chairman was telling his employees that the REO was not the boss. “He is the one who is acting out of the way,Cheap Hydro Flask,” Parker said, adding that he will be seeking advice from the Minister of Communities or his Permanent Secretary to best resolve the situation.

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