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發表於 2019-2-10 01:04:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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This is the second-longest absence of the 12-time Pro Bowler's career. He missed seven straight weeks in 2008 with leg injuries,China Jerseys.
"We're excited to have Champ back," coach John Fox said. "He's had an outstanding week."
"He definitely will make us better," Bailey said. "But until then we've got to roll with what we've got."
Also, Paris Lenon is set to make his first start for Denver at middle linebacker after Wesley Woodyard missed practice all week with a shoulder stinger he sustained at Dallas last week.

"We also got Chris (Harris), who will be in there most of the time, so it's going to be a good one."
After Denver escaped with a 51-48 win, team owner Pat Bowlen approached Bailey in the locker room and implored him to play this week.
It wasn't any pressure, but a reduction in pain that finally has Bailey ready to get back on the field.
More help arrives next week when All-Pro linebacker Von Miller returns from his six-game suspension,Fjallraven Kanken Backpack Wholesale.
Bailey's return bumps Harris to nickel cornerback, although he'll basically remain a starter because teams throw so much to keep up with Peyton Manning's offense that the Broncos are in sub packages most of the time.
The Broncos (5-0) are a 27-point favorite against the Jaguars (0-5),Manchester United Jersey Online Uk, but despite its dominance,Air Max 90 Pas Cher Site Francais, Denver has its share of concerns,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, chief among them a pass defense ranked dead last in the league.
Harris is coming back from a concussion that sidelined him for the second half Sunday, when the Broncos also lost ) and defensive end Robert Ayers (left shoulder) to injures, helping turn what was shaping up into another rout into a shootout.
"It's been a long time coming," Bailey said. "It seems like I've been on a long vacation and it's time to go to work."
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Denver's shaky secondary gets a big boost Sunday with Champ Bailey set to make his 2013 debut against the Jacksonville Jaguars.
"I'm real excited because he's been a great player,Nike Air Max 1 Suomi, a guy I've been watching since he came into the league and I've seen what he's done here," Bailey said. "And I think we'll be good together. We'll feed off each other.
Bailey hasn't played since spraining his left foot in the second preseason game at Seattle on April 17.
Bailey said Friday he's eager to finally play alongside fellow first-round pick Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, who signed with the Broncos on the first day of free agency.

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