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Since its establishment five years ago, the Food Bank last year distributed its highest number of food hampers to persons living with HIV/AIDS.It was reported that a total of 4,715 hampers were distributed to 1,437 patients compared to the 3,983 which were given to 1,129 persons the previous year.This represents an increase of 15% in the number of hampers distributed.Last year also saw the highest level of participation from private sector agencies with 26 agencies supporting the Food Bank at the close of the year.More importantly,Air Max Outlet Schweiz Online, the private sector contribution at the end of 2010 was the highest since 2007.According to statistics, in 2007 there were 468 patients receiving food support while 2008 saw this almost doubling to 803 patients benefitting.In 2009, this jumped to 1,129 persons and while in 2010 there was an increase to 1,437.Last year, the majority of beneficiaries were females of almost 53% (760 of the 1,437) and males accounting for the remainder – 677 of the 1,437.Statistics reveal that persons within the 31-40 age group continue to have the greatest access to the Food Bank. This particular group represents 33% (484 of the 1,437 patients) in 2010 and 34% (384 of the 1,129 patients) in 2009.An estimated 80% of the persons receiving hampers last year were found to be unemployed with the highest rates (88%) reported for the Region Four area.Also, 613 persons of all patients are single parents with the vast majority coming from Region Four.The Food Bank, located at the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS) building on Hadfield Street, operates through a referral system from the various treatment sites and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Patients are assessed based on their economic and medical constraints.Kaieteur News understands that when patients visit the clinics for treatment, they are screened by the physicians or social workers to see whether they have satisfied the stated criteria for the support. Once the basis has been established, they will then be referred to NAPS for their hamper, which would comprise food items from the major food groups.According to the Ministry of Health, the objective of the Food Bank is to provide nutritional care and support for persons living with HIV and AIDS while helping them to achieve optimal nutritional status. (Kristen Macklingam)

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