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發表於 2019-2-11 21:19:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Acquiring an education in some interior locations in Guyana can prove to be difficult, but despite this hurdle, 17- year old Yusuf Abraham still managed to defy the odds and secured his place as the top performer for the Rupununi.The lad, who hails from Culvert City in Lethem,Wholesale Jerseys China, managed to secure seven Grade Ones and a Grade Two at the recently concluded Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate.Abraham attended the St Ignatius Secondary School and says that while it was not easy, he is grateful for the assistance of a retired teacher (Miss Arlene), who helped him along with studies in preparation for the exams.The lad said that there is a lack of teachers and resources available in the interior, which made it even more difficult but he was determined to upgrade himself.Abraham would like to be an Architect and while he would like to attend University, “the sooner the better.”The young man related to this newspaper that his family has done well for themselves and he did not want to be the one left behind and this was another motivating factor behind his success.Abraham said that after school he would attend lessons and when he got home he would go to bed early to wake at 01:00hrs and study until 04:00hrs.He said that he was not forced by his family to adopt this routine, rather it was a personal decision and his family supported him all the way.“I would say to persons in Fifth Form to study hard and not just try to get jobs that people like your parents are doing but aim for something higher and be better qualified.”He said that while he would prefer to stay in Guyana, should he get the opportunity to work overseas plying his dream trade as Architect come up, he would relish it.Abraham did state that at present he prefers life in the interior as there is too much violence and negativity, adding that it helped to have a calm peaceful environment to prepare for the examinations.He did state that an adverse effect that comes with the isolation was the lack of teachers, pointing out that the students in the interior were restricted in the amount of subjects that they could have written.“We need more teachers,” he stated, while adding that another aspect that could be credited with the success of not just him but the others at his school, was the fact that they formed themselves into study groups.

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