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發表於 2019-2-11 21:22:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The body of former Police Divisional Commander Derrick Josiah will be laid to rest with full military honours onSaturday.A senior police officer yesterday confirmed that the Force in consultation with the late Commander’s family is finalizing arrangements for the funeral.Derrick JosiahJosiah, who was an Assistant Commissioner of Police,Equipacion Real Madrid 2018, died last Friday at a private city hospital where he had gone for a medical check-up, following a vehicular accident he was involved in a little over a month ago.His death sent shockwaves throughout the Force, with Commissioner of Police Leroy Brumell describing it as a “great loss for the organization.”“He was a Christian, he was a team man; a man whom I respected, who was always willing to go the extra mile. He was a driving force in my administration and I will miss him terribly.”As a result of Josiah’s death, the police ‘A’ Division has cancelled its annual Christmas lunch out of respect for its fallen Commander.Meanwhile, the main opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has extended condolences to the wife, children, relatives and friends of the late Assistant Commissioner of Police.“APNU also sends it condolences to the Commissioner of Police, and the men and women of the Guyana Police Force, especially to the ‘A’ Division family where Mr. Josiah last served. The Police Force not only lost a Divisional Commander but from all accounts, a good and upstanding officer. The Leader of the Opposition Brigadier David Granger and all the parties that make up the Partnership extend profound sympathies at the passing of Assistant Commissioner of Police Derrick Josiah,” APNU said.And the Ministry of Home Affairs has also expressed deep regrets at Josiah’s passing.According to the Ministry, Josiah was a member of the Guyana Police Force Change Team, which oversees the modernization of the Guyana Police Force.“At Change Team Meetings, which are chaired by the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs, he was very vocal on issues and made valuable contributions, which aided the modernization process.He was one of the earliest beneficiaries of training in Domestic Violence and this training was manifested in his professional approach in treating with reports on Domestic Violence that are made at Police Stations,” the Ministry observed in a belated statement.It added that the late assistant Commissioner of Police was supportive of the concept of community/police relations and as Divisional Commander, spearheaded the formation of Station Management Committees and Youth Clubs in the Divisions in which he worked.“He was a talented officer with great potential and we shall miss him greatly.The Ministry of Home Affairs wishes to express its deep condolences to the members of Mr. Josiah’s bereaved family at this difficult time,” the Ministry said.

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