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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE – The need for counselors at schools in Guyana was highlighted by a Volunteer Service Officer in New Amsterdam.Community Involvement Specialist and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) officer attached to the Department of Education in East Berbice/Corentyne Christina Marriot said should this be made a reality and these officials are be placed full time at all levels, many benefits can be derived.Marriot,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, who hails from Calgary, Canada,Nike Air Max Sale Outlet Uk, arrived in Guyana mid-August to commence a one year stint in New Amsterdam. Her job started on the first day of the new academic year. Here, her focus is on the Parent/Teacher Associations (PTA) of Primary Schools. Her role is mainly to function as support for parents and teachers and to get parents more involved in the education system as well. She coordinates a series of workshops dealing with issues such as truancy.Her observation,Adidas Deerupt Pas Cher, so far, is that problems exist in terms of discipline, attendance, punctuality and lack of respect for teachers and fellow students in the Primary Schools. She found also that there are those who possess a confrontational disposition; there are physical conflicts among students and bullyism.According to her,China Jerseys Wholesale, all of these point to the manner in which parents manage their children’s behavior and this she said is cause for concern. According to the VSO, if these tendencies are present at the Primary School level, most likely they would accompany the child to the higher stages.She noted that when a child does not participate in class sessions, does not do home assignments or does not listen to the teacher – all fall under lack of respect. There must be a reason why children act out of control and there is need for a collaborative approach towards dealing with it.Ms. Marriot noted that bullying is a powerful word and many are not aware of the full meaning. She spoke of cyber, verbal and physical bullying in other countries. Her wish is that more awareness is done in New Amsterdam in terms of the issue of bullying. What many may call small acts or petty issues may be the beginning of bigger things. She explained that a child stealing money,NBA Jerseys From China, pulling another’s hair, hiding a pen all come under the heading of bullying. According to the VSO,Adidas Shoes Clearance Sale, bullyism is a huge concern all over the world but is a serious concern in North America. She said if control is not taken of the situation at an early stage, it could become a serious issue. Persons should be more knowledgeable of the topic and it should be openly discussed.She implored parents to talk to their children, find out what transpired in school and their everyday activities so that they can be au fait with what is taking place in their child’s life.Over the past few years, there has been a rejuvenation of Parent/Teacher Associations in Guyana. According to her, in order for a child to succeed,Jerseys NFL China, support is needed both at home and at school. She posited that there is need for closer ties between parents and teachers and a healthy relationship in order to achieve better results.According to the VSO, the parent/teacher combination is a powerful union but many parents are not aware of this. The PTA makes it possible for change and improvement. She said parents must feel free to visit their child’s school, spend a day and see what takes place. Ms. Marriot found that there are parents who want to do well and be involved in the system but just need guidance.Her presence in the system has made a marked improvement in terms of attendance at PTA meetings. She is also impressed by the growing number of men who attend these sessions.In Region Six – East Berbice/Corentyne, there are two Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) officers along with Peace Corps Volunteers attached to the Department of Education and each focus on a different aspect.Marriot opined that there are dedicated teachers and child friendly classrooms in primary schools across Region Six. The connection between the Welfare Department, teachers and the Department of Education has made an impression on her.

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