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[本地歌詞] Fjallraven Kanken Big Backpack Black vtexy0xv









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發表於 2019-2-12 00:28:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Roopchandra Persaud, of Lusignan East Sideline Dam,Jerseys Wholesale, East Coast Demerara is accusing a former paramour of abducting his children.Missing are Tulsie Persaud 11, and Vishaul Persaud 6,Cheap Shoes Wholesale, they both were attending the Lusignan Primary School prior to their disappearance.Persaud stated that he had decided to end the relationship after the woman repeatedly deserted the home.The missing boys.The man alleged that he was given full custody of his children and was forced to seek financial assistance.The man related that he also took the woman to court for financial support and she was ordered by the court to pledged $2,China College Jerseys,000 per week to assist her reputed husband to upkeep their children.After that incident the woman decided that she would have moved back in with her reputed husband to look after her children’s welfare.But Persaud said that last November,Cheap Shoes Nz, while he was working at the back of his house, the woman took possession of Tulsie and Vishaul Persaud and went into hiding.Persaud says he has not seen the woman or the children since.This had caused the father to worry since eleven year-old Tulsie Persaud will be sitting the upcoming National Grade Six Examination.“All I want is for her to bring back my children so that they can attend school.”He furthermore explained that his two other sons, who are with him,Maglia Milan Puma, are sorrowful over the absence of their siblings. The father added that he is a cane farmer who works very hard to maintain his children.“I don’t have a problem if she want to go away but I need my children close to me,Patriots Jersey Liii Jersey, I need to ensure that they receive a sound education…that is all I want.”He said that a missing persons’ report was also made to the Cove and John Police Station and the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.He is appealing to anyone with information on the children’s whereabouts to contact him on telephone 691-6440,Cheap Air Max 720 Free Shipping, 220-0321, 220-8114 or 660-6625 or; the nearest police station.

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