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發表於 2019-2-12 00:31:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…even as ministry releases “Midwifery report”Just under a week after the launch of the midwifery report on maternal health care, another maternity death has been reported, this time in the Moruka Region one area.Relatives of Nadira Charles,Jerseys NFL Cheap, 27,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Online, of Moruka Village have blamed the negligence of the nurses,Buy Nike Air Max 270 Australia, medex and doctor at the Kumacka/ Moruka Hospital for the death of the woman and her unborn child.Janet Ganesh, the dead woman’s mother, yesterday told Kaieteur News that she took her daughter, who was seven months pregnant, to the hospital on July 3, after the girl began experiencing a slight bout of diarrhoea.According to Ganesh, she could have treated her daughter at home but didn’t because she trusted the doctors at the hospital.Kaieteur News was told that upon Charles’s arrival at the hospital,Arsenal Fc New Kit 18/19, the medex who was on duty gave her an injection along with two tablets. The woman was also given intravenous drips by the medex.It was around 04:15hrs on July 4,Cheap Nike Shoes China, that her daughter began experiencing abdominal pains. Ganesh said that at 07:00hrs that same day her daughter started having the abdominal pains again.The woman said that again her daughter was given an injection along with two tablets by the nurse who went away without even checking the woman’s vital signs.Kaieteur News was told that Charles began experiencing more pains,Hydro Flask Water Bottle Sale, but none of the staffers came to the woman’s assistance.According to the mother, about 30 minutes after her daughter began experiencing the pains, a third nurse came into the room and administered a third dose of medication.The woman was given three sets of medication by three different persons at the hospital. Kaieteur News was told that none of the staffers even checked Charles’s vital signs before administering the medication.The mother further told Kaieteur News that after her daughter was given the third dose of the medication, she noticed something strange.“After they give her the third dose I see the baby moving up in her stomach for about five minutes….Then a few seconds later my daughter shouted that she couldn’t see,” Ganesh cried.Ganesh said she observed her daughters feature’s beginning to change after that.Afterwards the woman said a nurse finally came into the room and she enquired what was happening with her daughter.Without even checking the woman’s vital signs the mother said that the nurse announced that Charles was suffering from a low blood count.Seconds later, the doctors instructed that the woman be transferred to the Suddie Hospital for further medical treatment.The woman was accompanied by her mother, husband and a lone health care officer,Wholesale Adidas Shoes China, who according to relatives offered little assistance.It was while at the Moruka Stelling awaiting a boat to travel to Suddie, Ganesh said that her daughter suffered from a “fit” and collapsed while she was being placed in the boat.At the Suddie Hospital doctors pronounced her dead on arrival.Relatives are convinced that it was the negligence at the Moruka Hospital that caused the woman’s death.Efforts yesterday to contact Minister of Health Leslie Ramsammy proved futile.

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