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Air Max Pas Cher Livraison Rapide juyxeo3s









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發表於 2019-2-12 03:24:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– post mortem inconclusiveA post mortem examination performed on the body of David Leander, called Biscuit, has failed to determine the cause of his death.A Government Pathologist yesterday found no conclusive evidence that would have led him to ascertain how Leander died.This development casts a bigger shadow on the entire circumstances surrounding Leander’s death, said a relative.In the circumstances, Crime Chief Seelall Persaud told this newspaper that investigators will now have to rely on a toxicology tests that has been ordered.On Friday last Leander, succumbed from the mystery illness that struck him earlier.The 26-year-old Buxtonian, who was the last surviving accused in the murders of Minister Satyadeow Sawh, his sister and brother and his security guard on April 2006, died in the Male Medical Ward without emerging from the coma.Although Leander’s aunt, Evelyn Estwick,Nike Air Max 90 Goedkoop Bestellen, had indicated that the family was preparing for the worst, she and other relatives erupted in wailing outside the hospital’s mortuary after confirming the news last Friday.Estwick had claimed that she and other family members accused hospital officials of still not explaining what could have led to Leander’s sudden demise.The aunt said she queried why her nephew was not transferred to the Intensive Care Unit, after it became obvious that his condition had worsened.One hospital official said that Leander was acutely diabetic and without proper medication and diet his condition worsened.The source said that this could have explained the coma and subsequent death.Leander’s attorney, James Bond, had told Kaieteur News that he would ask Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to launch an investigation into the circumstances that led to his client’s sudden illness.And though some might see Leander’s death as “an ironic twist of justice,” everyone is innocent until proven guilty.Bond said that Leander fell ill while in the care of prison authorities.“Now is an ample time for an investigation to be launched. This is owed to his relatives as to how he met his demise.”And Director of Prisons, Dale Erskine, had expressed concerns about some media reports that suggest that David Leander, called ‘Biscuit’ was poisoned while in custody at the Georgetown Prison.Erskine stated in a release “it is important to note that the prisoner on admission, requested to receive meals from his relatives.”“This was approved and up to the time of his demise he received his meals from the persons he authorised to bring same for him.”Leander’s aunt, Evelyn Estwick, had stated that relatives had feared for her nephew’s well being while he was incarcerated.They had therefore provided his meals and had cautioned him against eating from anyone. But she did state that Leander had alleged that he had drunk some coconut water that was provided to him by a female.

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