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發表於 2019-2-12 09:20:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With support from two professional experts who have thorough knowledge of theProtesting rice farmersrice industry, Essequibo rice farmers, who continue to decry late and non-payments, as well as poor storage and the introduction of heightened moisture of their paddy, were told during another peaceful protest on Friday to remain unified and to continue to demand change in the rice industry.“Low price is the result of the chaos that the rice industry is experiencing.”Dr. Turhane Doerga, retired Chief Executive Officer of the Alesie Group of Companies Ltd, and Jinnah Rahman,China NFL Jerseys, have now lent their support to the rice farmers in Essequibo who are continuing to protest for a fair deal in the rice industry.Doerga further assured farmers that they would fight for inclusiveness for farmers within parliament as part of their Manifesto. He reminded them that they are not alone in their fight for change and encouraged them to remain strong in their fight.“Keep up the fight; you are not alone. We want to make this cause be recognized both nationally and internationally.”Doerga explained that for years the rice industry has been thriving. However due to poor management, farmers are being taken for granted and they are the ones who are suffering. “The people that feed us cannot be the poorest. Don’t let them come and tell you nonsense.”The businessman reminded farmers that there are currently 18 rice millers in the country.The former CEO of Alesie Group of companies is questioning what would now become of the remaining 500,000 tons of paddy that is in the system and for which the Government cannot source markets.Jinnah Rahman told farmers that as a result of the Petrocaribe deal which was signed some time ago between Venezuela and Guyana, rice farmers should at least be getting $4000 a bag for paddy.Rahman further explained that the deal was intended to benefit poor farmers. He said that while Guyana was purchasing fuel up front at sixty percent, the remaining forty percent was intended to pay rice farmers promptly.Under the stewardship of the president of the Essequibo Farmers Association, led by Naith Ram, farmers marched from the Cotton Field New Market area to the Anna Regina High Bridge. Farmers lamented proper representation from senior officials of the Guyana Rice Producers Association and the Guyana Rice Development Board.Calls to the GRDB and the Minister of Agriculture continue to be unanswered.

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