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發表於 2019-2-13 09:21:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Winslow Smith, called  “Pastor Smith,” or “Elder Smith” of the New Diamond, Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, yesterday, testified in the murder trial of Anthony De Paul Hope and Ralph Tyndall.Murder Accused: Anthony De Paul HopeThe two persons are on trial for the murder of Colleen Forrester.  Forrester was last seen at her brother’s house at Lot 55 William Street, Campbellville,Camiseta Atletico De Madrid Ni?o, on December 26, 2007.Smith in his testimony, rebutted information provided by Hope, that he was the last person to be seen with Forrester, the night she disappeared.The woman was reported missing after neighbours noticed something was amiss and raised an alarm.On January 6, 2008, her body was found by police ranks; her ankles were bound and her body wrapped in sheets before it was tossed into the septic tank.  She was allegedly strangled and beaten to death with a pestle (mortar stick) by her nephew, (Hope) and his friends, Ralph Tyndall and Kevin O’ Neil.O’ Neil of Seaforth Street, Campbellville, has since been acquitted of the murder. He was released after a no-case submission, presented on his behalf was upheld by Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire.The other two accused were therefore called upon to lead their defense, during which, they each claimed that they are innocent of the crime.Tyndall in his unsworn statement essentially blamed Hope for the murder. He alleged that he saw Hope standing over his injured aunt, with a piece of wood in his hand, the night she disappeared.Hope, on the other hand, told the court that the last time he saw his aunt alive was on the night of December 26, 2007. He said she had left the premises at Lot 55 William Street, Campbellville with “Elder Smith,” with whom she had shared a relationship. The accused had claimed that the man would visit the premises, where he and his aunt would have constant arguments about him (Hope).   He said that the arguments often made him uncomfortable.But, Smith in his evidence provided the court with no such information.  He told court that his relationship with Colleen Forrester was that of a father and daughter or sister and brother.  In response to questions, by State Counsel Stacy Goodings, Smith told the court that his relationship never exceeded that limit.He told the court that Forrester had been a member of his church, the Tribune Brotherhood Apostolic Church; (a spiritual organisation) and that he was like a spiritual father to her.  The witness also explained that at the time, he knew Forrester; he was in a common-law relationship, with a woman to whom he is currently married.   The witness said that he and his partner of 21 years share one child and have a wonderful relationship.The man recalled that the last time, he saw Forrester alive; was at church, the Saturday before Christmas Day 2007.   Smith told the court that it was after members inquired about Forrester at an Old Year’s Night service that he became aware that something was amiss.Smith said that members told him that they had not been seeing Forrester.The witness said that he opted to visit the woman’s West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, residence to inquire about her wellbeing, when he was told that he would find her relatives at Lot 55 William Street, Campbellville.The man said that since he had never been to the premises, he looked for a yard with flowers and trees in it. He explained that Forrester was in the habit of bringing flowers to the church, whenever she would have attended.At the house, Smith said that he met Cleon Forrester; (the dead woman‘s son) and a party of policemen. According to Smith, there was a gold-coloured Toyota AT 192 motor car parked on the road outside the house, and two men were in the back seat of the car.  He said that the men were subsequently placed in a police vehicle; he did not know who they were.The witness said that after a conversation with the police he eventually went into the yard.  Smith told the court that as he was looking around the yard to see if it was “dig up.” “Something tell me to go back and look into the septic tank.”The witness said that he did so and opened the septic tank cover, and looked inside. There, he saw what appeared to be some cloth tie up.   Smith said that upon the discovery, he called his son, who was there at the time and then the policemen.Smith said that the policemen subsequently told him something and instructed him to leave the yard.  At that time, the witness said he had only perceived that it was Forrester’s body in the septic tank; he had no confirmation.In response to answers by Prosecutor Goodings, the witness further said that he had nothing to do with Forrester’s death.  He also told the court that he did not know or had ever heard of Forrester’s’ nephew (Hope,) prior to the incident.Smith maintained that his only involvement with Colleen Forrester and the immediate members of her family was through her attendance of a spiritual organisation in East La Pentinece, for which he is an elder.

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