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發表於 2019-2-13 12:32:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The West Demerara Regional Hospital has been rocked by yet another maternal death which has left in its wake reflections of a similar death some five months ago.Reports are that 38-year-old Waheeda Basil, of 79 De Willem, West Coast Demerara, succumbed some time after 18:00 hours on Thursday, after she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.This newspaper understands that the woman who was previously a patient of the Meten-Meer-Zorg Health Centre, was advised to travel to the West Demerara Regional Hospital after she experienced labour pains that day.The woman was so advised, this newspaper learnt, because her delivery was seen as a high-risk one, a situation which was hinged on the fact that she had last given birth some 13 years ago.Accompanied by her husband, Deonarine Basil, the woman was admitted to the Regional Hospital and reports are that she safely gave birth to her third child.However, it was revealed that shortly after giving birth, the woman started complaining of dizziness. She died before the source of her dilemma could be ascertained.A source close to the operation of the hospital revealed that the woman bled for nearly one hour before a doctor arrived to attend to her. The situation had become overwhelming for the distraught Deonarine Basil. This newspaper was told, that he was forced to beckon his mother-in-law to board a taxi and travel to the hospital immediately.A senior official at the hospital, in an invited comment, said that “everything that could have been done was done to save this woman’s life. The husband was there and he knows that the nurses and the doctors did everything that was possible.”The source confirmed that from the inception the delivery was recognised as a complicated one. It was further compounded by the fact that the woman was very obese.However, it was asserted that “everything appeared to be normal. She had normal antenatal checks…intrapartum care was normal…just after delivery everything normal…”The official did admit,Discount Jerseys, though, that there were some complaints of dizziness after which the woman collapsed.  “Fortunately her husband was in the delivery room and was satisfied that we couldn’t do anything else to save her life,” the official recounted.During a visit to the woman’s home, yesterday, measures were being put in place for the wake.Meanwhile, Director of Regional Health Services, Dr Narine Singh, said that all necessary procedures will be followed as part of the efforts to investigate the maternal death.He said that as part of the process a post mortem would have to be completed and a report prepared detailing whether any preventative measures could have been applied to save the woman’s life.The report, he said, will then be brought to the attention of the Maternal Review Committee which will then deliberate on the findings.According to Dr Singh, every maternal death undergoes the same treatment in that they are all investigated regardless of the cause of death revealed by the PM.It was just last December that 32-year-old Salima Ram, of 19 Vive-La-Force, West Bank Demerara, collapsed and died in the maternity ward of the same hospital with her unborn child still inside her womb.That maternal and child deaths were classified by the woman’s family as a typical case of negligence on the part of the health officials there.As at the end of last year, the rate of maternal deaths was reduced to 9.8 per 10,000 deliveries.This development has been regarded by Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy as an excellent performance when compared to what was obtained in previous years. According to him, in the year 1989, more than 30 women had died in childbirth.However, after taking up the ministerial mantle, Dr Ramsammy noted that the death rate has been reduced by more than half.“Indeed in 2009 the number of deaths from child birth was 14, making a rate of about 98 per 100,000. And this is nothing less than excellent performance, given where we used to be…”But even with this improvement, the Minister said that Guyana still lags behind many countries in the Caribbean.He said that when he became Minister he had set an ambitious target of no more than eight deaths per 10,000 deliveries by 2012. The Minister expressed optimism in January that the public health sector will still achieve this goal.“This is not for the Minister of Health to look good…Guyana deserves an achievement like that…No woman should die in child birth,” he asserted.

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