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發表於 2019-2-13 15:33:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Executive of the Police Association has expressed concern over the recent plethora of incidents and infractions that have been allegedly committed by members of the Guyana Police Force.Incidents of alleged police brutality, use of excessive force, collusion and complicity in armed robbery involving errant policemen were all ventilated in the print and electronic media.According to a release, the Executive of the Police Association categorically stated that its members are not immune from citizens’ oversight while discharging their duties in keeping with the Police Force’s mandate as the premier law enforcement organization.“Further, the Executive does not and will not condone the actions of those members who are involved in any form of lawlessness and criminality and wishes to emphasize that its members must continue to respect and protect human rights such as the right to life and dignity of the individual; as well as the exercise of democratic freedoms including freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention and impartiality in the administration of the law,Air Max 90 Pas Cher Chine,” the statement said.Towards this end, members of the Executive body of the Police Association have begun to visit ranks at police stations in the various Divisions, stressing the importance of professionalism, discipline, human rights, the use of force, the rights of the child, as well as the commitment to Constitutional and moral values for mutual respect in the provision of service to the communities.The Association believes that any violation should be met with the appropriate sanction, once the member concerned has been found culpable after due process, and is supportive of the efforts of the administration of the Force to curb such behaviour by dealing condignly with errant ranks.The Executive called on the majority of its members who continue to perform in keeping with their oath of office, to ensure the preservation of law and order while effectively recording successes in the fight against crime, to incorporate and demonstrate ethical competence in the discharge of their duties.“Ranks are therefore urged not to succumb to any form of demotivation that will precipitate totally unacceptable behaviour.A clear and unambiguous adherence to the law on the use of force and police abuse is to be embraced and reinforced,” the statement said.The Police Association feels that improved performance will boost and propel a more positive image of the Force, resulting in the more active involvement of civil society.

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