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[本地歌詞] Cheap Jerseys Wholesale upwegatr









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發表於 2019-2-14 10:46:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police at Wakenaam were trying up to yesterday,Equipacion Real Madrid Barata, to find out who removed the doors from two kokers at Zeelandia Village resulting in the flooding and millions of dollars worth of damage.One resident told this newspaper that she awoke about 05:30 hrs and discovered that water was almost knee deep in her kitchen.   She immediately began to move articles to higher places to prevent further damage.Mr. Pooran told this newspaper that he could not understand why someone opened the koker because no farmer needed water for his rice fields especially since it was raining frequently.  He opined that the act was one of spite.Pooran’s plot of young suckers has been threatened as he is not sure if the water will kill the young plants.Mr. Jinder Persaud whose garden of tomatoes is almost ready to ripen, claims that all the plants will die.  His boulanger plants have already begun to wither.Mr. Kissoon Sookar whose yard and kitchen were inundated said that he lost some poultry which were penned when the flood began. He also suffered damage to his goods.Water almost reached the floor of the Zeelandia Nursery School and because the entire yard and playfield were flooded, it was not convenient for classes to be held.Several snakes were seen swimming in the water in the schoolyard earlier in the day.Mrs. Sitaram, who owns a business place, said that the water rose over 18 inches in her home.  The motors of her fridge and freezers and washing machines were all submerged.   Damage to stocks in her home is estimated to be over $300,000.Members of the NDC, the Ministry of Works and Sea Defence arrived in the village and began their investigations.Several rice-farmers said that the flood water will do considerable damage to their crops.One of the kokers is a drainage koker while the other is an irrigation koker.  The question as to why both doors were removed is yet to be solved.Most of the water recede when the tide was low. Some villagers replaced the door around midday on Monday.  At that time many residents were still trying to clean up the mud and silt left in their homes.

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