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發表於 2019-2-15 01:48:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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(By Mondale smithand Latoya Giles)One day after the execution-style killing of Nicholas ‘Ziah’ Hoyte, his relatives and friends gathered at his childhood home at 54 Fifth Street, Alberttown.As the Morgan Heritage reggae hit “How come?” was constantly replayed emotions varied amidst reflective conversations. Some grappled with questions of the motive. “Why?” was the main question asked.Most of those gathered remained in disbelief that the 29-year-old who was full of life 24 hours earlier, lay dead, his body riddled with bullets.Yesterday, amidst speculations and ‘rumours’ the dead man’s relatives and friends vehemently stated that “Ziah was not a thief, that he was a hustler who did all he could for his three children and family.”His mother, Lorraine Hoyte, 59, via telephone conversation from the USA was obviously devastated at the news of her son’s death.  She is scheduled to arrive in Guyana some time today.As her voice cracked she said, “I don’t know why my son was killed but God will deal with his killers.”She described her son as a wise guy who was always looking out for and giving his last to make others happy. She admitted that “every body has a but…”Lorraine Hoyte recalled, too, that as a child Nicholas Hoyte was always slow to react and was not easily shaken by wrongs done to him “but when he did react it was another story.”His reputed wife, Ayesha George,Air Max 97 Osta, yesterday told this publication that she has no suspicion of who killed her man but noted that “it had a lot of haters and he used to say that progress breeds enemies and success brings fake friends.”Nancy Herod, his older sister, said, “My brother didn’t talk much but when he did he was serious. He liked to party a lot and would do anything in his power for his children.” Prior to re settling in Guyana he lived in the ‘islands’ as a mason.His sister told this publication that she knew all her brothers friends and while he was one of the many people at the wake and funeral of Vibert Weekes, the former footballer who was executed a few days earlier, to her knowledge he and Weekes were not enemies but they were not close friends either.”His cousin Omefa described him as a loving selfless person who will be missed.Herod yesterday issued a call for witnesses to her brother’s killing to “come forward and do the right thing.”He was a former student of St Angela’s Primary school.Relatives could not say if Ziah had a steady job in Guyana but noted that he often received supplies from his mother and friend.Up until his demise he lived with his reputed wife Ayesha George at Mc Doom village but would frequent his childhood community. George said she last saw him about 18:30 hrs on Tuesday when he left home for Alberttown.George cannot recall him being in any major problems with anyone but remembered being told on occasions “Ayesha you mustn’t fear anything other than God. In life what is for you is for you and you does get it.”She said the last time she spoke with him was via a phone call minutes before she got the dreaded news.“He say he by the shop in Sixth Street buying something, then he coming home. But after he hang up a li’l while after I get a call that he dead.” She mothered his youngest son.The woman who said they had shared future plans for marriage said he has reverted to putting her trust in God but was adamant that “he was not a thief he does hustle.”She could not say if he had any enemies but said, “the final judgment for his killers I leave to the Almighty, vengeance belongs to God.”The police yesterday said that they were investigating the death of Nicholas Hoyte that occurred about 20:30hrs on January 12, 2010, at Light and Sixth Streets, Alberttown.According to the police investigations revealed that Nicholas Hoyte was sitting in his motor vehicle when a motorcar drove up alongside.  A number of shots were discharged at Hoyte from the vehicle, which struck him about the body, and the car sped away.Nicholas Hoyte was taken to the GPHC where he was pronounced DOA.

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