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Maglia Milan 2018/19 sitmcrfj









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發表於 2019-2-15 01:50:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Walter Rodney death anniversary…The Working Peoples’ Alliance (WPA) has issued a declaration on national reconciliation to mark the 31st death anniversary of historian and political activist Dr Walter Rodney.The proposal is for shared governance or constitutionally inclusive governance, and the party plans, along with the joint opposition political parties, to hold nationwide consultations on how this could be achieved.“We support…the joint opposition forces in declaring that, respecting history and present necessity, the time has come to make a superhuman effort to establish a form of governance to be urgently negotiated under a reformed Constitution in all possible sectors.“All parties may by previous agreement be included in government from the central executive to the communities, based on the elective principle,” the WPA said in a statement.With the ethnic divisions of the early 60s, the WPA noted that the now ruling PPP (1977) and the now main opposition PNC (1985) made well documented proposals for real inclusiveness, the reunification of the executive and in some cases other branches of government and the state.For its part the Working People’s Alliance moved in the National Assembly a motion carried unanimously (1987),Nuova Maglia Roma 2018/19, supported by the then ruling PNC, the UF, the PPP and the WPA for a National Dialogue of all social forces.Walter Rodney Further, the WPA noted that prior to the 1997 elections it urged reconciliation measures to address power sharing and then later, in the course of the Constitutional Reform Commission’s deliberations, the WPA had called for the establishment of a National Caretaker Government (1999).The party said in a statement that today either there is no level or there is a very low level of national cohesion or that whatever unity there is cannot stand up to unforeseen shocks of the climate, the economy, or threats of a violent nature from political extremists or narcotic interests.The nation-de consultations shall be styled ‘The Campaign for National Reconciliation and Inclusive Governance’ based on the elective principle.“It will define the meaning of inclusive government stressing the stewardship of the national patrimony,” the WPA stated.The party said regional and international organisations will be kept informed and abreast of this programme of reform.

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