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發表於 2019-2-15 04:34:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“I loved her and because of that I allowed her to live her life but she made a wrong decision” were the words of 39-year-old Krishna Singh.Singh is the former husband of Vreed-En-Hoop stabbing victim,Cheap Air Max Australia, Beverly Mangru.Singh was very emotional yesterday when he visited Kaieteur News to refute claims that he had physically abused his wife.According to Singh he was married to Mangru for 14 years when the woman decided that she wanted their union to end.He said that his ex-wife was an honest, loving and a caring person who never deserved to die in such a gruesome manner.Singh said that he is totally unaware of any reason for his sister-in-law and stepdaughter to allege that he abused his wife.He said that it was really disturbing that his stepdaughter would make such a claim since he looked after both she and her older brother when they were aged two and six years old.The man said that the real reason for his stepdaughter moving out was because she got married when she turned 18 years. “She move out and went live with she husband. Is not because I use to beat she mother”.Singh said that Mangru’s daughter is now separated from her husband and had returned to live with her mother.The ex-husband said that every marriage has its “up’s and downs” but his had nothing so serious that it would have resulted in violence.The man said that the couple’s trouble began in 2007 after he purchased a business in Vreed-en-Hoop to which he gave sole ownership to his wife. “I gave her the business so that she could be independent,” Singh said.The man explained that his wife would be back and forth between the couple’s two businesses,China Jerseys, which were located at Cornhill Street, Georgetown and in Vreed-en-Hoop.He said that after problems arose at the Vreed-en-Hoop branch, his wife was required to stay for the entire day and return on afternoons.Singh further told this newspaper that after his wife was over at the other branch; she started to get many friends whom he thinks may have misled her.The teary eyed man said that one such occasion caused him to become ‘physical’ with his ex-wife Beverly for the first and only time.He said that he never hit Mangru. The couple’s youngest children witnessed the entire episode, he said.“When I reach at the store a man tell me that she was drinking,Discount Jordans Online, so when we went in de car I ask if she was drinking and she start to cuss and hit me”. Singh said that he stopped the car and they had a scuffle on the road.Another instance of domestic violence that was noted in the Stabroek News was that Singh cuffed his wife’s teeth out of her mouth.He said that his wife had a rotted tooth because of the gold cap she wore; he said that the teeth needed to be extracted.He said that Mangru was taken to a dentist and it was fixed.The man said that the advice,Jerseys Wholesale, which his wife took from other people,Camiseta Real Madrid Champions, caused many arguments between them. He said that on many occasions he would call at his wife’s workplace but she would not be there.“I would call many times for her but de employees would say that she gone out”.Early last year January, he said that Mangru asked for a divorce but he asked for them to work things out. He said that Mangru told him that she would spend six months on her own and if it didn’t work out she would return home.Singh said that Mangru wanted freedom and he gave it to her on a platter because he loved her.After moving out of the house Mangru returned two weeks later after Singh begged her to return to the family. He said that he was told that his wife was living in Soesdyke.After returning home the problems still continued, and this forced the husband to finally decide that he would give his wife a divorce. He said that Mangru moved out of the family’s Eccles home the day before Mother’s Day in 2008.The divorce was finalized last August.  “My wife wanted freedom after following what people would tell her, but she made the wrong decision”.He said that after the divorce was finalized Mangru started her relationship with the suspect, Devon Limerick. “I would see them all over and we even had a few confrontations because I still wanted my wife    “.He said that even though they were divorced he was unaware that Mangru was living with Limerick. Singh claims that he would still send money for his ex-wife but stopped after he found out that she was living with Limerick.After that the communication between the two stopped.The very upset man said that he is considering taking legal action against Stabroek News because the author of the article did not seek to contact him to obtain a comment.“If they could have called her sister, they could have asked her sister and her daughter for a number to contact me to get a comment, but they did not do that.”He further said that when reporters write conflicting articles such writings destroy a person character, noting that they should not listen to “hearsay” but get the actual facts about what really happened.Devon Limerick reportedly stabbed Beverly Mangru  to death on Wednesday evening.The post mortem revealed that she bled to death.Mangru,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, who is also known as “Pam”, was found lying in a pool of blood at her 79,Chelsea Fc Jersey 18/19, New Road Vreed-en-Hoop home after detectives broke down the woman’s front door to gain access to her.Relatives said that Mangru and the suspect had only been living for four months.They described him as a very possessive person who had nothing to contribute Mangru’s well being. One male relative said that Mangru had told the suspect that he should leave because she didn’t want to continue the relationship.Beverly Mangru would be laid to rest today. She leaves to mourn her mother, five siblings and her four children.

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