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發表於 2019-2-15 13:38:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Abena RockcliffeThe prevalence of suicide in Guyana, which has the country ranked highest in the world, has worried President David Granger to the extent that he has vowed to do all within his power to rid the country of such an unwanted scourge .President David GrangerGuyana has a staggering rate of 44.2 suicides per 100,000 people (the global average is 16 per 100,000) the highest rate of suicide in the world.Yesterday morning President Granger spoke extensively during a Public Interest programme on what he deemed a sad topic for Guyana.At that forum, Granger announced that he had decided to call an emergency meeting to address suicide noting that the variety of causes has to urgently be considered.The President said that there is more to be done in addressing suicide and vowed to “do everything possible because many of the people who are becoming victims of suicide are young people and they are the ones who are supposed to be taking over the country.”WERTHER EFFECTGranger examined the possibility that there may be copycat suicide in Guyana.“The copycat effect or the Werther effect is often a factor in juvenile suicide. It does open a window to people who face similar situations like Werther.Copycat suicide is defined as an emulation of another suicide that the person attempting suicide knows about either from local knowledge or due to accounts or depictions of the original suicide on television and in other media. A spike of emulation suicides after a widely publicized suicide is known as the Werther effect, following Johann von Goethe’s novel ‘The Sorrows of Young Werther’.That novel highlighted a story of a German young man who was in love and became disappointed in love so he decided to take his own life. That story indeed had a copycat effect and now psychologists refer to that as the Werther effect.Granger told the media, “Once people feel that the way to escape from failed love affairs or domineering parents is to commit suicide we will see a pattern.”However, even with such admittance, the President said that he would not call for less publicity on suicide cases.“It is not something that should be swept under the carpet,wholesale soccer jerseys, we need to know about it and we need to deal with it. If we don’t publicize it we will obscure the crime and would not be able to deal with it, but I agree with you, it is a dilemma for the journalists and the media… if you publish someone may copy, but if you don’t how can it be cured?”PREVENTIONThe President said that unfortunately, prevention of suicide is not as simple as putting a ban on the sale of poisonous substances, it goes way beyond.Granger explained that persons who may wish to end their own life can be very persistent.“If you prevent potential suicide victims from gaining access to poisonous substances, they can use rope or jump off a bridge or go to Kaieteur (Falls).He said that the only hope may be intervention to demotivate suicidal persons.“In other countries people jump off bridges, here we jump off Kaieteur. But quite recently, as you know, on January sixth, people used rope. Can you prevent people from buying rope?MOTIVATING FACTORSThe president said that after looking at the motivating factors, his administration can then look at the methods used. Stressing heavily on his point that finding the motivational causes is important, the President said that poverty does not seem to be one.He noted that most persons who become victims of suicide are not poor or deprived. Granger noted that he has been to communities which are nests of suicide and observed a “quite high standard of living.”The President said, “One of the predisposing factors might have been the troubles during the first decade of this century when life had been cheapened. That could have been stressful, even though people might not have been directly involved in killing or may not have had a relative that was made victim; there might have been pervasive stress and depression. This has been the most intense period of killings in Guyana’s history. That might have been a factor it is difficult to say how people might have been traumatized by the level of killings, but it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that it would have had an impact on some communities.”DANGEROUS LOVE AFFAIRSThe most recently reported case of suicide occurred on Wednesday last. It was reported that a 14-year-old girl and her 20-year-old boyfriend hung themselves. The teen was pregnant. However, it is suspected that the motivating factor was her mother’s disapproval.Asked about his take on grown men getting involved with young girls, and the effects of disapproval of such relationships, Granger said, “I do not know if that in itself is a major cause of suicide, there are lots of determining factors.”The President stressed a lot on the fact that the two might have been in love and noted that the boy was made to suffer extreme humiliation and bodily harm. The President spoke in a manner that suggests he doesn’t condone such, but noted that the now dead man committed a crime.“I am not saying it should be condoned simply because they declared love for one another. I am not criticizing or condemning the mother…The mother had a right to intervene because if it was a sexual relationship a crime was taking place, so whatever intervention she took, I mean it was quite robust would have been aimed at preventing a greater crime…and now tragedy. “

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