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發表於 2019-2-15 19:55:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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(From the Desk of Dr Reyaud Rahman, Director of Vector Control Services)While as Vector Control Director my mission is always focused on working to thwart the negative impact ofDr Reyaud Rahmanvector-borne diseases, today I am taking some time out to speak to another issue of importance to the health sector.The issue of alcohol abuse has from time immemorial plagued our society and is known to become even more severe during festive seasons, one of which is currently upon us.I have seen firsthand, what alcohol-related injuries have been doing to our nation. This time of the year is one that entices us to have a merry time and even causes us to drop our guard at times.Alcohol is a depressant which slows our brain and further slows our bodies’ responses. It further causes our reasoning and judgment to be clouded, reduces our hearing and sight, makes us drowsy and decreases our sense of balance and coordination. We then take risks we normally would not take if not intoxicated which further increases our risk of accidents. We may feel very capable but this is another false sense of security alcohol gives to us.According to the World Health Organization, alcohol is related to over 3.3 million deaths worldwide. Between the age group 20 to 39, alcohol use is responsible for approximately 25 per cent of all deaths. In addition to the 200-plus diseases and injuries that alcohol is directly related to,China Jerseys, it must be realised that it also causes significant social and economic losses to individuals and society as a whole.Of the 3.3 million deaths related to alcohol worldwide, the most significant are the 33.4 per cent related to heart problems and diabetes, while 17.1 per cent are unintentional injuries such as those caused by accidents due to car crashes, falls, etc.Alcohol directly affects a person’s healing time, as it weakens the immune system and the body’s circulatory system. The immune system is made up of special cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body against germs, bacteria, microorganisms, etc.If you drink and then opt to drive, operate heavy machinery or even ride a bicycle, yourDr Reyaud Rahmanchances of getting into an accident increase by double, and if you do get into an accident your injuries would be greater than if you were sober.Not only does alcohol abuse or intoxication affect drivers but it impairs person’s clear thoughts. This leads to injuries and death and is a major factor in domestic violence, anti-social behaviour, drowning and fires. Between a quarter and half of all adult drowning, victims have alcohol in their bloodstream and one in three fires is started by persons under the influence of alcohol.Alcohol is a huge problem which is mostly unnoticed in our society and needs more attention by the public. We take what we eat and drink for granted and do not focus much on health until we become very ill and in most cases it is too late as the disease or injury sustained are so severe that it has damaged our heart, liver, lungs and kidneys beyond repair.

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