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發表於 2019-2-16 04:20:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-brother playing with matches to be blamed“If you play with fire, you gon get burn, or somebody gon get hurt” is a phrase that a Sophia mother repeatedly tried to explain to her seven year old son, but could not get him to understand.  He ended up playing with a box of matches yesterday afternoon,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and set a mattress in their home on fire, causing his one year old brother to become severely burnt.This occurred at around 16:00hrs.Relatives trying to console the toddler’s mother in the compound of GPHC yesterday.According to a neighbour, the toddler, Jabarri Stanford was burnt to such an extent that doctors were forced to tell his family that there was not much more that they can do for the little one.The neighbour explained to Kaieteur News that she was home in ‘D’ Field Sophia (reserve) when she heard a commotion from the back house, and decided to go see what was happening.The woman said that she was making her way over the narrow bridge which leads to the back house, when her neighbour’s eldest child came running to her, screaming that their house was on fire, and that Jabarri was sleeping inside. The seven-year-old boy was able to escape the blaze unhurt.The neighbour added that an alarm was raised, and everyone in the area gathered to extinguish the fire, after which they were able to go in for the child.“When we go in, poor Jabarri was screaming away. The mattress did paste up on he skin. He whole body did look crack up. We had to peel off some of the mattress pon he before we take he to the hospital,” the woman said.The neighbour further told this publication that the older boy would be scolded repeatedly by his mother for playing with matches.“She does warn he and beat he steady for the same thing. One time neighbours did even call police pon she for beating the li’l boy, but he hard of hearing. He didn’t listen…Now look wha happen,” the woman said.The children’s mother was reportedly at a nearby shop when the fire started.Neighbours say that the woman does not usually leave her children home alone. When she is not around, her four children, ages eight, seven, three, and one, would be left in the care of neighbours, or with Jabarri’s biological father.The mother was inconsolable yesterday after being told by doctors that not much more can be done for her baby boy, who, as of last evening, remained a patient of the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.

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