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Hydro Flask Pas Cher sb32apr5









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發表於 2019-2-16 07:09:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Barbados (Barbados Today) -Both a Guyanese woman who brought a kilogram of cocaine into Barbados on Tuesday, and the man who received it will be residing at Dodds for the next two years.Lloydanna Uleta Morris, a 23-year-old assistant cook of 25 Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown, admitted to possession, intent to supply, trafficking and importation of the substance, when she went before the Oistins Magistrates’ Court yesterday.Her accomplice, Dennis Allistair France, who went before the same court, pleaded guilty to charges of possession, intent to supply, trafficking and committing acts preparatory for the purpose of trafficking the drug.The 37-year-old mason, also a Guyanese, was residing at Bynoe Road, Rendezvous, Christ Church.The two were ordered to serve the time after they could not pay the $60,000 fine imposed by Chief Magistrate Pamela Beckles.Acting Station Sergeant Rudolph Burnett told the court that Morris arrived in Barbados on February 3, on a flight from her homeland and was granted entry into Barbados.The next day, after receiving information, police executed a search warrant at the room where she was staying at a Christ Church hotel.While they found no drugs, the woman reportedly confessed to bringing in the cocaine days earlier.She further confessed to handing it over to a man who came to her room to collect it.While police were still in her room, that same man turned up and Morris pointed him out to police.It was France, who also admitted that he took the cocaine home after he got it from Morris. Both were subsequently arrested.After carrying out a warrant at France’s home, police found a haversack with a girdle and four packages of cocaine inside.Breaking down in court yesterday, the woman said she acted as a drug mule because she is a single parent, unable to look after her child.The child has already been taken from her by a government agency in Guyana, and a member of staff there told her that if she gets sufficient funds she would be given back the child.However, Chief Magistrate Beckles told her that even if she had succeeded with the drugs, the agency would still have investigated how she came by a sudden injection of cash.In relation to France,Nuova Maglia Roma 2018/19, he said he lived here since 2005 but was finding difficulty in getting work, especially since he was hiding from Immigration.Saying that he was “cash-strapped”, France asked for leniency.Both were convicted, reprimanded and discharged on the other charges.At the end of their jail term, or if the fine is paid, both will be handed over to immigration officials.

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