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發表於 2019-2-16 13:09:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police ranks both senior and junior are holding their breaths as they anxiously await the long overdue promotions list for 2012.The list which is traditionally unveiled at the beginning of the year was held back for unforeseen reasons and the promotions were scheduled to be announced for the Force’s anniversary, which is being celebrated this month.Many had expected that the list of promotions would have been announced last Sunday at the start of the anniversary celebrations.The last police promotions list was announced last year and since then there have been several movements, including retirements and resignations that would have created vacancies in several positions.Since the last promotions, the Force has seen the retirement of Commissioner Henry Greene and the elevations of Assistant Commissioners Leroy Brumell and Seelall Persaud to Deputy Commissioners.Brumell is presently acting in the capacity of Commissioner of Police.Apart from the announcement of the promotions, the force has organized a list of activities to commemorate the 173rd anniversary of the force.The activities commenced last Sunday with the traditional Drum Head Service at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, where Reverend Dr. John Smith officiated.This coming Saturday the Force will hold the customary Route March which will be led by Assistant Commissioner Derrick Josiah, through the streets of Georgetown. Salutes will be taken by the Minister of Home Affairs and the acting Commissioner of Police.This will be followed by a Night of Boxing on Friday, July 13, at the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) Drill Square, Police Headquarters.The much anticipated Awards Ceremony will take place on Friday, July 20, also at the TSU Drill Square, where police ranks, members of Community Policing Groups and Community Policing Groups, will receive Awards/Incentives for outstanding work performance.The force will remember its ranks who were killed in the line of duty at a special wreath-laying Ceremony at the Force’s Monument for Fallen Heroes on Sunday, July 22.The anniversary events will continue with a Hand-gun Shooting. Competition on Thursday, July 26, at the TSU mini-range, while there will be a Scouts Day at the Police Sports Club Ground on Sunday, July 29.The Force’s Annual Athletics Championships which will be held between July 24 and 27 at the Police Sports Club Ground, Eve Leary,Segunda Equipacion Barcelona 2019,  is also part of the anniversary celebrations.In addition, the Guyana Police Force will be holding several other events which fall under the ambit of its Anniversary celebrations, but which will be conducted in subsequent months.These include a number of Gymkhanas in the Policing Divisions, the Force Drill Competition, the Force First Aid Competition, Debating Competition and Essay Competition.

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