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發表於 2019-2-19 22:54:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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One doctor and two nurses have been sent on administrative leave and other actions are expected to follow, in keeping with the recommendations of the Expert Committee which has been charged with conducting an investigation into the recent maternal death at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).On Tuesday June 4, 2013, 28-year-old Luan Rodney died in the maternity section of the hospital. One day earlier she was admitted to the hospital to deliver her second child. Her baby girl, according to reports was delivered stillborn.Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, yesterday said that the Committee in keeping with a defined timeline presented its report to Dr. Shanti Singh who is currently acting in the capacity of Chief Medical Officer.Word is that another doctor is likely to also be sent on administrative leave.Administrator of the hospital, Michael Khan, refused to comment on the state of affairs yesterday.  “I am neutral…by Friday we should be able to give out information.”According to Minister Ramsaran he is pleased with the progress of the investigation even as he commended the role played by Dr Singh in the process.“She has been doing an outstanding job,Nike Air Max Wholesale Uk,” noted the Minister. He disclosed that the findings of the Report will eventually be made public as part of a legislative mandate.Meanwhile, the Minister during an interview disclosed that with a view to ensuring that measures are in place to improve maternal health services, the Ministry of Health has put in place a Committee to scrutinise the operation of the GPHC’s maternity ward.Dubbed the Maternity Ward Inspectorate, the Committee was brought into being through an administrative provision put in place by the Minister himself.He said, though, that the Committee was established even before a worrying spate of maternal deaths had occurred. “I had noted certain concerns coming from the maternity ward, not only concerns about deaths but other concerns that visitors and other people had been raising — like cleanliness, like conditions of the toilets and so on…”The need for an inspectorate was recognised and moves to implement one were soon after engaged, he said. However, the inspectorate, the Minister said, is not one mandated by law to inspect hospitals. Rather it is an administrative committee which is designed to include women’s rights advocates.“We have, for example, invited members of the Women and Gender Equality Commission and I am told that that inspectorate, that watch dog committee as it were…already had one visit to the GPHC maternity ward.”The Committee, according to the Minister, is separate from the GPHC internal visiting group which is tasks with visiting the maternity ward regularly.  “Those are things that I think should be noted and we hope to involve more and more women groups so that they can join this inspectorate and visit the maternity ward frequently,” said the Minister.He disclosed that he had since impressed on the office of the Chief Medical Officer the need to involve more women’s group so that they can join the inspectorate.The Minister said that there are other positive things that the Health Ministry has been doing in order to improve maternal health services. He alluded to continuous training and re-training of medical personnel who execute functions relative to maternal health.Among these are doctors who are expected to work in maternity departments, said the Minister.He disclosed that the Ministry has introduced the Advanced Labour and Risk Management (ALARM) programme, which is a short intense course that is internationally certified. And according to the Minister all of the Cuban-trained doctors are required to undergo this training before they are dispatched to render their services.“All the Cuban trained graduates are gathered as a group before they are dispersed to the different locations and they are indoctrinated in the tenets of ALARM,” informed the Minister.The move, he noted, is important so that doctors charged with overseeing maternity wards are efficient in risk management.

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