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發表於 2019-2-21 00:42:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Is not by accident that Guyana producing all dem spinners fuh de West Indies. Dem learn from Jagdeo, Babbie,Authentic Nike NFL Gear, Ash Knee and Brassington. They were de masters of spinning things. Anything people talk and dem hear, dem had a spin for it.If you tell dem bout watermelon vine and dem gun tell you that it can bring forth coconut; tell dem bout thiefing and dem gun point dem fingers at everybody else except dem.Let’s start. Dem been in power fuh 23 years and dem never hold local government elections. Dem always use to put de blame pun de opposition. Now dem out of power, dem putting de blame pun GECOM boss.That alone tell people clear that dem never want local government elections because of de licks wha dem gun get.When dem been in power dem use to cuss de Waterfalls boss man like if he was de opposition. Dem talk how he was de biggest scamp after Jagdeo. Dem talk how he got assets all over de world; dem talk bout investigate but dem never do nutten.Now dem calling pun de new government to investigate him. Dem boys hear when de boss man seh that whatever he got and wherever he got it,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Free Shipping, he never thief it from anybody. He never tek a cent from de taxpayers. Neither did he do any illegal business to acquire wha he got.De boss man what challenge dem fuh bring dem wealth out in de open. Is then Guyana gun know who gun go to jail. Jagdeo is de fuss one. He should tell this nation how he acquire de money fuh build his mansion,Cheap NFL Jerseys, alone.When de reporters ask him that question he seh that he can explain,Cheap Jerseys, that he gun hold a press conference.But since de nice gyal magistrate put she hand pun him,Cheap Jerseys From China, he not even coming out pun de road much less hold a press conference.Dem boys still want he come and tell de people wheh he get all that money—and not to explain wheh he get more money to own other properties and all dem fancy vehicles.He can’t seh that Babbie give him from drugs money. He dodging de questions.This is de man who cuss,Jerseys NFL China, buse and abuse everybody fuh any and everything. When he was president he drive fear in nuff people. He knock off plenty people who only watch he full in he face. Ask Beekoo.Now he deh cussing Donald,Jerseys Wholesale, Ashni and Rohee telling dem that he should be de opposition leader. Is big row because dem three cuss him back because dem and all want to be opposition leader.The situation meet war stage. Some of dem boys from Freedom House whisper and seh don’t be surprised if gun play break out in Freedom House.But de Waterfalls boss man got a solution fuh done all de cussing and confusion about who gun be de opposition leader.It simple. All dem have to do is play Russian roulette and de last man standing is de King. In any case, Guyana gun gain because three scamps gun dead fuh mek one opposition leader.Talk half and listen fuh dem gunshots.

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