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發表於 2019-2-27 08:36:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Sean Devers There is a saying ‘he who knows it feels it’ and not many people will understand the despair and frustration of 40-year-old single parent Dawn DaSilva. The Berbician is in urgent need of surgery to remove a growing brain tumour.The mother of two put on a brave face for the public to disguise the pain during TV programmes aimed at assisting in raising funds for her operation in Cuba next month. But she admits to being scared of the unknown.“My daughter is eight and my son is 12 and they are my main reasons I have to make it. Who will look after them if I am gone?” she wondered.Dawn DaSilvaDawn grew up in Corentyne, Berbice,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, before moving to New Amsterdam. She has now been living in Georgetown for the past 15 years and is presently employed by Eureka Labs.“I first realized something was wrong when I started getting this strange numbness on the side of my face about a year ago, but I did not make much of it until I started getting severe migraine headaches a little after that,” she explained with a worried look on her face.Although Dawn was feeling more and more unwell,Cheap Shoes Australia Free Shipping, she quietly carried out her Secretarial duties.In August last year,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys China, she was advised to do a CT scan before doing an MRI exam. The tests confirmed that she had a tumour.The tumour is now affecting her vision which has rapidly deteriorated. She also has problems with her memory, since the growth is located in her mid-brain.“I am now getting tremors in my hands and I get tired easily and feel very sleepy most of the time. I get emotional when my kids want me to play with them and I have to say to them mummy is too tired now,” she related sadly.Those who have experienced the heart-wrenching emotions as they prepare for a life-threatening surgery fully understand what must be going through Dawn’s mind as her condition gets worse.Time is critical to her survival and she is lucky that presently her tumour is not cancerous. But there is no guarantee that it will remain that way for much longer.Dawn DaSilva is supposed to celebrate her birthday next month and she says her best gift would be a successful surgery,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, which should be done (if all tests go well) on September 22.The cost of the surgery is US$10,Patriots Super Bowl 53 Jersey,500 and this does not include airfare, accommodation,Air Max 90 Uitverkoop, meals or the cost of medication during her recovery.Donations can be made by kind-hearted Berbicans at the New Amsterdam branch of Eureka Labs while those in Demerara are being encouraged to help save Dawn’s life by donating to her fund raising effort at the Eureka Labs branch in the city.“I truly believe that God would not bring me this far to leave me and I know he will guide the doctor’s hands and heal me. I also pray for a good husband who will love me and I know God will answer my prayers,” Dawn added.“I heard Cuba is among the best in the Caribbean for surgeries. My only problem there could be the language barrier,” she opined.Having a positive mind-set is key to Dawn’s recovery and seeing her children again is a huge inspiration. Her ‘church family’ at the Church of the Nazarene in Meadow Brook,Andrew Benintendi Jersey, including her Pastor, Rajkumar Outar, have been towers of strength in her time of need.She is thankful to all those who have contributed in any way, especially the TV hosts who assisted fund raising drive for what should surely be a life-changing trip to Cuba.

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