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發表於 2019-3-7 09:28:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A still from “The English Patient”Director Anthony Minghella’s “The English Patient” is the Classic Tuesdays film to be screened at the National Gallery, Castellani House, Vlissengen Road, Georgetown.The 2006 film won numerous international film festival, critics and technical awards.Minghella himself adapted the 1992 Booker Prize-winning novel by Sri-Lankan-Canadian writer Michael Ondaatje, a many-layered drama of romantic love and betrayal,Nike Air Max Norge, the brutality of injury and death during war, and the physical, psychological and emotional change that this engenders.The film was shot in North Africa.In the central story set in the closing months of World War II, French-Canadian nurse Hana (Juliet Binoche) cares for a badly burned patient in an abandoned villa in Italy. Thought to be English, he is in fact a Hungarian aristocrat, Count László de Almásy (Ralph Fiennes), contracted prior to the war by the Royal Geographic Society to head a team of archaeologists mapping the deserts of Egypt and Libya.The story of how he came to his present state, including his passionate affair with Katherine Clifton (Kristen Scott Thomas), the wife of one of his team, is told in flashbacks, and intermingles with that of Hana’s own story of loss and that of a  British Sikh bomb disposal expert (Naveen Andrews) to whom she becomes attached, as well as that of a former prisoner-of-war (Willem Dafoe), tortured by the Germans, whose arrival at the villa turns out not to be a chance encounter.The film won a total of 50 awards internationally, including nine Oscars, two Golden Globe awards, six BAFTA (British Film) awards, and another 30-odd nominations, with several wins for Best Film, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Best Supporting Actress awards for Binoche, with further awards for Best Sound and Art Direction, and several nominations for Best Actor/Actress for Fiennes and Thomas.Minghella died unexpectedly in early 2008 after successful cancer surgery, following a multi-talented career marked by UK and international recognition, as a playwright and theatre and television director, prior to his filmmaking, and subsequently as an opera director.The film will be shown free of charge.

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