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發表於 2019-3-12 12:31:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 19-year-old man, who police suspect to be behind a number of armed robberies committed around the city between October and November,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, was yesterday slapped with several indictable charges at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Jamal Cromwell, of 54 Dowding Street, faced a total of seven charges when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, and was later remanded to prison until December 19.The prosecution accused an unrepresented Cromwell of carrying out four robberies (three under arms and one with violence), discharging a loaded firearm, and attempting to commit two felonies.The first count of Robbery under Arms alleged that on October 12, at Thomas Lands, while armed with a knife he robbed Tyrone Marok of one iPhone valued at $160,000 and one BlackBerry Curve valued at $45,000.The second count of Robbery under Arms claimed that on November 19, on Regent Street,Authentic NFL Jerseys Store, while armed with a handgun, he stole one gold chain valued at $27,Billy Hamilton Jersey,000 and one BlackBerry Z10 valued at $90,000 from Carmelita Frank.Thirdly,Wholesale MLB Jerseys Pro Shop, the prosecution alleged that on November 21, at Camp Street, while armed with a handgun, he robbed Narvin Davenauth of one Samsung Galaxy 4, valued at $202,Seahawks Jersey Youth Cheap,000.It is also alleged that on November 22, in Georgetown, Cromwell used personal violence and robbed Lavern Griffith of $400,000,Nike NFL Jerseys For Sale, one shoulder bag valued at $2,500 and other personal documents.The police also maintained that on November 23, the accused at Irving and Anira Streets, Queenstown, attempted to commit felonies on Joel Sukra and Sarah Bisoondyal and further discharged a loaded firearm on Police Constable 18438 Praim Narine with intent to maim/disfigure or cause him grievous bodily harm.Police Prosecutor Corporal Bharat Mangru told the court that about 17:15hrs on October 12, Marok and a friend were about to enter the National Park when they were confronted by the accused who was riding on a bicycle.The court heard that Cromwell then drew a knife, placed it on the victim’s neck and relieved him of the iPhone and BlackBerry and later escaped on his bicycle.Mangru told the court that about 20:00hrs on November 19, Frank was walking on a Regent Street pavement when the accused confronted her with a handgun and demanded the gold chain and the cellular phone she had in her hand at the time. However, in this instance,cheap nfl jerseys outlet, the accused then fled on a motorcycle.The court also heard that at approximately 19:15hrs on November 21, the third victim Davenauth was walking towards her motor car which was parked on Camp Street, when the accused also pointed a handgun towards her and relieved her of the articles.Mangru told the court, however, that Cromwell then dealt Davenauth a lash to her face with the handgun, which caused her injuries, and then fled on a motor cycle.The prosecution said that on November 22 at about 11:45hrs, Lavern Griffith, had withdrawn the cash from the New Building Society on the Avenue of the Republic and was proceeding on the pavement when Cromwell approached her from behind.Mangru told the court that Cromwell then grabbed her bag, but it failed to come off, so Griffith subsequently turned and looked at the defendant’s face. The accused then dealt a cuff to her right hand, pulled away her bag and escaped on a black CG motorcycle which was parked nearby with a rider. They then sped away along Robb Street.Meanwhile, the prosecution told the court that about 18:20hrs on November 23, Sukra and Bisoondyal were at the corner of Irving and Anira Streets, Queenstown when the accused confronted them with a handgun and demanded cash.However, according to Mangru, Police Constable Narine who was dressed in plain clothes was passing in one of the force’s motor vehicles when he observed the accused with a handgun and suspected that a robbery was in process.Prosecutor Mangru told the court that the Police Constable exited the vehicle and approached Cromwell who then discharged several rounds in the officer’s direction. The court heard that Constable Narine returned fire and hit the accused, who then escaped on a motorcycle which was ridden by another man.The prosecution told the Magistrate that Cromwell was later apprehended at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted as a result of the injuries he had sustained.Corporal Mangru conveyed that the accused was told of the offence and then held under police guard. He was later discharged from the hospital and charged with the offence.According to Mangru, while Cromwell was in police custody an Identification Parade was conducted where the four robbery victims identified him. He was also told of those offences and charged.The prosecution made an application for the matters to remain indictable and objected to bail on account of the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. Mangru highlighted that there are several charges pressed against Cromwell and opined that he is a flight risk who would not return to court if granted bail. Mangru also objected on account of the penalty attached to the offences.The Chief Magistrate upheld the objections of the prosecution and Cromwell will return to court on December 19 for a report.

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