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發表於 2019-3-16 17:41:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Pharmacists Association (GPA) was successfully represented at the 28th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Association of Pharmacists (CAP) held in Trinidad and Tobago at the Hyatt Regency from 11-16 August.Two of its representatives received top honours while another was elected to an important executive position.Immediate past president of the GPA,Alex Anzalone Jersey, Ms. Lonette Samuels won this year’s award of “Caribbean Community Pharmacist of Distinction 2008”.The award is one of numerous peer awards up for grabs at the annual CAP conference and is keenly contested with nominations from other member states.A registered pharmacist for 9 years, all of which she has spent in community practice, Ms. Samuels currently operates her own practice at Right Health Pharmacy in Georgetown.She is also a member of the Pharmacy Council of Guyana, the body responsible for registering local pharmacists and regulating the standard of practice for the profession of pharmacy.“Caribbean Community Pharmacist of Distinction” is awarded to a Caribbean Community Pharmacist who in the opinion of his/her peers has served the community and provided the highest level of Pharmacy care.The other award winner is current GPA Executive Committee member Ms. Zobaida Sakoor who copped the Pharmacist Fair Play award, the “Pedro Roberts Award”, another of the peer awards contested for at the CAP conference by pharmacists from across the region.Named after an illustrious Caribbean and Bahamian Pharmacist Mr. Pedro Roberts, it is awarded to a member of the Caribbean Association of Pharmacists who has displayed conduct that conforms to the highest ethical and humanitarian standards.Ms. Sakoor, a registered pharmacist for 6 years,Nike Shoes Wholesale China, has worked in the public and private hospital sectors, community pharmacy practice and is currently in warehousing and distribution with the MOH.Meanwhile,Vans Old Skool Wholesale, former President of the GPA, Cecil J. Jacques was elected 2nd Vice President of the CAP,Bill Russell Jersey, a position he will hold for the next two years.Jacques is a registered pharmacist for over 15 years and had previously served on the CAP executive for a two-year term as an Executive Council Member back in 2004-2006.In an illustrious career and service to pharmacy locally and regionally, he has served the local association for 15 years in many positions and was a three-term president from 2001-2004.Currently he is also the Regional Representative of the Americas for the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) and an Executive Council member of that body, an office he ascended to last August 2007 at the CPA conference in Malaysia.As 2nd VP, Jacques will be responsible for the continuing education (CE) programme of CAP and its annual conferences. Currently CAP’s CEs credits are accepted for the re-registration (for practice) of pharmacists with their respective councils and boards across the region and for the state of Florida,Cheap MLB Jerseys Store, USA.A total of eleven (11) local pharmacists attended the conference which is held annually and attended by pharmacists from across the Caribbean region,Nike Sb Shoes China, USA,Wholesale Soccer T-shirts, Canada and the UK.

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