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發表於 2019-3-18 01:12:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Edwin CarringtonThe Fifth Summit of the Americas is just a few months away. It will take place from April 17 to April 19 in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and it comes at a critical juncture for the Caribbean Community and,Adidas Stan Smith Wholesale, indeed, for the entire Western Hemisphere.This meeting of 34 Heads of State and Government was always going to be important; now, with the global financial crisis upon us, it is even more urgent that our nations’ leaders engage with each other on the most pressing issues of our time.The economic uncertainty felt throughout the region and the world underscores the relevance of the theme of the Fifth Summit: “Securing Our Citizens’ Future by Promoting Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability.”Our governments must work together diligently to ensure that the economic crisis is resolved as quickly as possible,China Jerseys Wholesale, to make the future more secure for everyone.The people of the Americas need to know that their elected leaders are taking steps, in both the short and long terms, to address their needs.During the past few months, the countries of the region have begun to negotiate the Declaration of Commitment that the leaders will adopt in Port-of-Spain. The discussions on human prosperity have focused on issues related to equity, inclusion, and social development, encompassing concerns as diverse as reducing infant mortality, promoting job opportunities,Cheap Adidas Shoes Wholesale, and strengthening food security.In the coming months,Cheap Nike Shoes From China, delegations of the Member States will turn to the sections on energy and the environment, which also go to the heart of securing our future. Through this negotiating process,Wholesale Adidas NHL Jerseys, the Member States are seeking to forge consensus on the central goals that will help shape policy decisions throughout the region.From the beginning, Trinidad and Tobago has stressed that the mandates that come out of the Summit need to be concrete,China NFL Jerseys, measurable and achievable. This call to be focused and practical becomes even more urgent in a time of crisis.Given its size and economic weight,Stitched Carolina Panthers Jerseys, the United States will continue to exercise substantial influence throughout the region; and its involvement in the Summit of the Americas is a key element that sets this process apart from other inter-American meetings.The Fifth Summit will provide an opportunity for the region to get to know President Barack Obama early on in the new administration, and for the U.S. leader to develop a more complete and nuanced understanding of our priorities and concerns.For the Caribbean, as well as for the other sub-regions of the Americas, this presents an invaluable opportunity to be heard.In fact, the Fifth Summit will give all of our countries the chance to turn the page in our relationship with the United States. With all the challenges facing the world today, we need the United States to be fully engaged with the Americas, and this can begin to happen in Trinidad and Tobago.

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