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發表於 2019-3-18 09:00:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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ROSE HALL TOWN,Cheap Football Jerseys College, CORENTYNE – The Chairman of the Rose Hall Town Interim Management Committee (IMC) Bhadenauth Somrah has drawn the line and is taking the lead. This he said is based on advice given by the Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall on the issue of hosting the town’s anniversary celebration.Chairman of the IMC Bhadenauth SomrahAccording to him, the Minister supports this choice. “Thursday we,Wholesale Shoes Australia, that is me, the Town Clerk and Dauren Deonarine were at his Office and the Minister told me to take leadership and get on with the business. All the while, the Minister was saying the Council must take control of the Town Day celebrations and take leadership. The Minister was consistent with what he has been saying all the time.”Mr. Somrah indicated that a notice would soon be published informing persons of the decision. In the meantime,Cheap Jerseys China, a document written on the Council’s letterhead, dated July 16th, 2010 and purportedly signed by the Town Clerk, Bhoopnarine Tickapersaud,Cheap Shoes Australia Free Shipping, was presented to the Kaieteur News on Saturday. It states, “The general public is hereby informed that the 40th Anniversary celebration of the township (Rose Hall Town Day 2010) will be executed by the Office of the Mayor and Town Council and assisted by Mr. Dauren Deonarine, Events Coordinator of Da’ Entertainment Zone as per Statutory Order and further be informed that the Rose Hall Town Anniversary and Development Committee has been debarred from coordinating the event.”Further it states, “Therefore any sponsorship sought for the celebration must be made to Mr. Bhoopnarine Tickapersaud, Town Clerk at the Office of the Mayor and Town Council or Mr. Dauren Deonarine of Da’ Entertainment Zone and not the Rose Hall Town Anniversary and Development Committee.”Somrah noted that in previous years, outsiders were allowed to plan and host the event without the involvement of the IMC. He said this year the change had to be made based on past experience and to preserve the image of the Council. Against that backdrop, there is an ongoing conflict between members of the Interim Management Committee and the Rose Hall Town Anniversary Committee.Last month,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, Somrah had categorically stated that the anniversary celebration is the responsibility of the IMC.“It’s our (IMC) prerogative to choose the persons or organizations that have the credibility to work with the Council to observe the anniversary. The Anniversary Committee was excommunicated in 2009 by the IMC. The Anniversary Committee has no permission to host this year’s anniversary celebration for Rose Hall Town.”On the flip side, Public Relations Officer of the Rose Hall Town Anniversary Committee Andrew Griffith, in June, had said that his group does not have to get permission to host the anniversary celebrations. He said authorization was given on July 8th, 2004 by the then Rose Hall Mayor and Town Council to establish his organization and the main purpose is to celebrate the anniversary of the township. According to Griffith, the Anniversary Committee planned a week of activities including spelling bee, impromptu speech, award ceremony,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, gymkhana and street fair and exhibition. Griffith had also indicated that his group sought sponsorship and began their plans to host the event.Earlier this month,A.Q. Shipley Jersey, Chairman of Region Six Zulfikar Mustapha said all plans must be put on hold until a solution is arrived at. Mustapha had indicated that the Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall is expected to clear up the issue by the end of July. He said that the matter had to be placed in the hands of the Minister after continuous disagreement between the two sides about the right to host the event. “The Town Council should be the main player in hosting the anniversary celebration, not one individual or one group. I am not supporting the Anniversary Committee or any other group. I am insisting that the Town Council should be the main player like the Minister said to organize this activity.”Somrah said that activities to mark the 40th anniversary of Rose Hall Town will go ahead according to plans and the Da Entertainment Zone (Youths in Entertainment) is working assiduously to ensure smooth sailing.“This is consistent with what we were saying all the time. This time the Council takes the leadership. The Entertainment group is only collaborating with the Council to assist in successfully pulling off the event to showcase what our town has to offer and further they are tasked with providing the entertainment.”The budget for the one-week event is being finalized and should be presented shortly.“The Council is currently soliciting sponsorship for activities. The Chairman said that this year the Rose Hall Town Day would feature booths from the education sector, business entities, religious groups, cultural and other aspects. “It would be a complete package and it would not be basically a street lime. Sponsors are guaranteed that evidence of their support would be reflected in our days of activities.”Coordinator of Da’ Entertainment Zone Dauren Deonarine indicated that an inter-faith Church service would start the observance on September 19th and the following day an award ceremony. On September 21st, a feeding programme would be held for less fortunate families in Rose Hall Town and its environs. An art competition is set for September 22nd for the Rose Hall Town and Williamsburg Nursery Schools. A spelling bee competition was identified for Grade Four students of the Rose Hall Town Primary and a debate for the Lower Corentyne and the J.C. Chandisingh Secondary schools.Other activities include T/20 cricket matches, basketball competition and other charity work. The zenith of week would be the exhibition on September 24th which is expected to showcase items from various organizations between New Amsterdam and Corriverton. The next day the street fair would be held along Independence Avenue between First and Second Streets. That same day would showcase the beauties of the township as they vie for the Miss Rose Hall Town Title.According to the organizers, the proceeds from the events would be used for upgrading of the bus shed structure known as the Pensioners’ Quarters or Lazy Hall and to place flood lights at the basketball court at the Area ‘H’ Ground. Work on Lazy Hall has already commenced, Deonarine and Somrah said.

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