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BY: PETA ROWE-FORDE“REVOLUTION, Socio-Economic Change and Freedoms” is the theme that will guide the conference of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) for 2016.Earl Maynard, Sir Garfield Sobers,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Sir Wesley Hall, Eddy & Guyana Amb to B’dos,Stitched Buffalo Bills Jerseys, Dr Don Marshall & Eudine Barriteau PVC of UWIThe conference was officially launched last Wednesday night at Bayley’s Plantation,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, where the1816 Bussa revolt began some two hundred years ago.It incorporates the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Independence of both Barbados and Guyana and the bicentennial of the 1816 Bussa revoltDirector of SALISES, Don Marshall; and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, Prof. EudeneBarriteau noted that the conference not only marks significant milestones; but also bears signal testimony to the innate courage and resilience for which Caribbean people are renowned.Ms Barriteau added, “I am indeed delighted that my colleagues from the SALISES have chosen to interrogate several socio-economic, political and developmental dimensions of our contemporary Caribbean.”Moreover,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,  they have chosen to do so against the backdrop of three historic points of departure in Barbados and the wider Caribbean, she added.She believes that the wide range of issues on which conference papers will be presented, underscores the continued relevance of the social sciences as a collective discipline in helping us to better understand the societies in which we live.Showing that the societies of Guyana and Barbados are not totally different,Discount Nike Sb Shoes, was Monique Jackman,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Officer in Charge at the Guyana Consulate.Jackman explained that the push for independence in the 60’s was as a result of demands for higher wages and seeking improved working conditions; noting that Barbados and Guyana have been at the fore-front of the anti-colloquial struggle.Additionally, Jackman made mention of General Bussa who led a revolt in Barbados and is now a National Hero; while similarly, Cuffy,Carolina Panthers Jersey For Sale, also a National Hero in Guyana led the well-known Berbice revolt, as she reiterated that they were both symbols of resistance to oppression.Since these times, Barbados and Guyana have worked bilaterally and multilaterally to achieve their development goals. To this end, Jackman stated that there are a wide array of pertinent issues impacting islands in the region to be discussed, including the needed transformation of economies and the role of education, and charged that the SALISES conference would not fall short in doing so.

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