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[遊戲] K?nken Ryggs?ck Rea mehty2tk









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發表於 2019-3-20 11:40:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– One man in custody,Discount Nike Shoes China, alleged suspect on the run  A 45-year-old former security guard was found murdered in her D’Urban Street apartment yesterday. The woman Donna Thomas, 45,Jerseys Wholesale, of 6-9 D’Urban and Cross Streets, Werk-en-Rust, and a mother of three,Nike Just Do It Scarpe Uomo, was once attached to the Professional Guard Service (PGS). She was found lying a pool of blood on her bed with several stab wounds.The house in which the body was foundPolice sources have said that one man who frequents the house was taken into police custody while they are looking for a second suspect. According to the police the suspect is said to be a drug addict.This newspaper was told that Thomas,Zapatillas Nike Espa?a, who hails from Corentyne, Berbice,Cheap Jerseys China, had been renting the apartment at D’Urban Street for the past eight months.  A source close to the investigation told Kaieteur News that the woman’s body was discovered by colleagues who went to look for her after she did not turn up for work.It was noted that upon arriving at the woman’s house,New England Patriots Jersey Cheap, the colleagues saw the front door to her apartment ‘slightly opened’.  Several shouts went unanswered and this prompted them to enter the house where they saw her lying on her bed motionless with several apparent stab wounds about her body.The landlord for the apartment,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, Randolph Yaw, said that the woman was living with a drug addict and from to time they would have arguments. The man said that the last time they heard the woman’s voice was on Friday evening about 23:00h, just before he retired to bed.He said that from information gathered, he understands the woman collected her wages on Friday. Yaw said that the man with whom Thomas was living asked for money but she refused to give him any.The landlord opined that this may have triggered the man whose name was given as ‘Anthony’ to commit the act. Yaw said he did not hear or see anything out of the ordinary.At the scene yesterday morning, members of the Criminal Investigative Department were seen searching the area for the murder weapon. Several neighbours were questioned about anything they may have heard or seen.Neighbhours were shocked at the discovery but thought that something bad would have come out of the relationship since the couple argued regularly. Several attempts to contact relatives yesterday proved futile.

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