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發表於 2019-3-21 05:28:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At the recently held Anniversary ceremony marking 47 years since the establishment of the NationalNIS Chairman,Dr. Surendra PersaudInsurance Scheme, Chairman of the NIS board, Dr. Surendra Persaud,wholesale soccer jerseys, urged employees to ensure that pensioners are reminded that they can uplift their benefits from commercial banks.Persaud spoke of having visited the Brickdam building a few weeks ago only to see a long line of persons leading to the pension department. He informed the employees that having pensioners in such lines isn’t the way customers should be treated.The Chairman said that upon seeing the line,Cheap Jerseys From China, he ventured into the pensioners department to find out how many of them knew they could receive their pensions through the bank. He said,China Jerseys, based on his investigation, “fewer than 50 per cent of pensioners are aware of this.”He said that having informed a pensioner once or twice that he can receive his or her benefits from commercial banks is not enough. Persaud said that there is no indication that the pensioner will remember after leaving the door.According to Persaud it is the responsibility of the NIS to keep reminding its customers.In an interview with this publication, Dr. Persaud said that using the bank system will provide a safer and more efficient service to Guyanese.He said that when someone fills up an application with the scheme, that person is required to present three forms. One is completed by the contributor, one by a commercial bank and the other by the NIS.In describing how the system works,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Dr Persaud said that the NIS would send instructions to the bank to deposit a specified amount into the bank account of the pensioner.The Chairman was then asked if he believes that using the bank system which already exists,Allen Robinson Jersey, would transfer the long lines from post offices to the banks. To this, he answered in the negative since pensioners would be forced to withdraw all their money from their accounts as is the case when they encash vouchers at the post office.He said, using the bank system, pensioners can better monitor their spending whereby they can make withdrawals at their own convenience. Additionally,Cheap Jerseys Store, pensioners would not have to stand the risk of having all their benefits on their person, thereby reducing the possibility of robberies.The Chairman recognised that persons would not adapt to the system with haste, saying that it will be a process like anything else. He said however,Wholesale Shoes China, that the system is utilised mostly by overseas-based Guyanese when compared to locals who are now beneficiaries.

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