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發表於 2019-3-24 03:50:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"You never know how the cookie's going to crumble, and it feels good that it crumbled our way this time," Detroit cornerback Rashean Mathis said. "I wasn't a part of the past,Patriots Jersey Liii Jersey, but I am part of the future, so it feels good to give the fans something to feel good about, and we can demolish a record,Authentic Jerseys Store, our streak, that was going on for years and years and years."
"We needed a win like this," said Tennessee coach Mike Munchak, who was with the franchise when it was the Oilers and last beat San Diego.
The Detroit Lions knew nothing about success in Washington. Through 21 trips to the nation's capital, they owned an 0-fer.
On Monday night, Denver (2-0) hosts Oakland (1-1).
The last time the Titans beat the Chargers was 1992 when the team was still in Houston.
The Lions (2-1) ended a 21-game road losing streak against the Redskins,Jerseys Wholesale, the second longest in NFL history. Detroit's last win away from home in the series came in 1935 against the Boston Redskins, two years before the franchise's move to Washington.
Another losing string was snapped by the Titans,Fj?llr?ven K?nken Rea. Tennessee had fallen nine straight times to San Diego before Jake Locker connected with rookie Justin Hunter on a 34-yard touchdown pass with 15 seconds left for a 20-17 win.

Week 3 began when Kansas City defeated Philadelphia 26-16 on Thursday night.
Also Sunday, it was Indianapolis 27, San Francisco 7; Seattle 45,Vapormax Plus Nere, Jacksonville 27; Miami 27, Atlanta 23; Cincinnati 34, Green Bay 30; Baltimore 30, Houston 9; New Orleans 31, Arizona 7; Cleveland 31, Minnesota 27; New England 23, Tampa Bay 3; Chicago 40, Pittsburgh 23; Carolina 38,NFL Jerseys From China, the New York Giants 0; Dallas 31, St. Louis 7; and the New York Jets 27, Buffalo 20.
This one came as Matthew Stafford completed 25 of 42 passes for 385 yards with two touchdowns in a 27-20 triumph. Calvin Johnson and Nate Burleson both had 100 yards receiving for Detroit.
Until Sunday.

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