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發表於 2019-3-24 07:23:40 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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By Rabindra RooplallHe has been missing for more than a week in the interior (Kamarang), Heimchandra Boodram Mohabir, 36, called “Collie boy or Rohan” of Claybrick Road,China Jerseys, Canal Number Two, West Bank Demerara, has not surfaced to date and relatives suspect foul play.They are also calling on the police force to act professionally in their duties since it was disclosed that one of the suspects in the investigation is related to a senior police officer in the police force and no proper investigation is being done into the disappearance of Heimchandra Mohabir.“We believe he was murdered because he said he had problems with his workmates,” the missing man’s wife said.According to the man’s wife, Somwattie Mohamed,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, her husband has been missing since last week Thursday and she received the distressing news of his disappearance the said afternoon from his employers, “Kays Diamond Enterprise.”Mohamed explained that the father of two has been working in the interior frequently for the past eight years as a welder,Cheap Shoes China, fabricator and operators of machines. From February 2, last, he left to work at Kamarang in the interior.And on March 3, she was told by her husband’s employer that her “husband fall over board and he was not found.” However, before his disappearance she received three phone calls from her husband that were distressing. “He tell me he and some workers got problem. I told him come home but he said no, that he boss man ain’t deh and he got to take care of something.”She further explained that her husband was second in charge after the General Manager where he worked, and the following day after she received the report of her husband’s demise she visited “Kay Enterprise” at Thomas and Middle Street.There she was told that her husband was missing in an accident. “So I ask how? They say that the cook say that he foot was hurting,Alex Okafor Jersey, and the G.M (General Manager) say he couldn’t drive the boat and a next boy accompany them and they told me husband to bring out them.“After they reach the landing the cook and the other boy left for the landing and my husband and the G.M went back in,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, and the G.M say how he went to tie the boat and he fall over.”After being told what had transpired in the interior, Ms Mohamed said that she then visited the Eve Leary Police headquarters where she spoke to two senior officers “Ramnarine and Ramraj” who told her that on many occasions persons who visit and work in the interior would sometimes go missing mysteriously. “He say that is a reality that people go in the bush and they don’t find them; they does dig shallow grave,  dem does fall in the river and fish does eat them out, and sometimes tiger does eat them out.”The following Saturday, Mohamed said that they visited the Crime Chief and was told that based on investigations there is no evidence to arrest anyone in connection with her husband’s disappearance, but that he will keep looking into the issue.Relatives disclosed that on March 4, 2011 a team of family members visited Kamarang to do their own investigations together with police, most of the weekend.However, they did not find a body and it appeared as if the police who had the authority to gather information from persons in the area were not serious about their investigation.“The police are only promising to investigate; it appears as if they are covering up for G.M because he is a relative of a senior police officer.”When Kays Diamond Enterprise Ltd was contacted a representative said that Heimchandra Mohabir did not work with the organisation but worked with a separate mining company.However, when told that,Stitched Jerseys, Mohabir’s wife said that she would collect her husband’s salary from Kays Enterprise,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, the representative said that collecting the salary does not mean that Mohabir worked with the entity.When this publication tried contacting Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine he was in a meeting.

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