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發表於 2019-3-24 14:56:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Vreed-en-Hoop businessman is accusing a female member of the Best/Klein/Pouderoyen,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) of engaging in corruption to fulfill her personal objectives.The outpost constructed for the community policing group.“This NDC councillor (name given) is using her privilege to occupy lands along areas of the West Coast. It is part of a scheme to sell out plots of land to business people; she would construct something under pretense that she is doing the work of the NDC and later sell out the property to the highest bidder.”These were the concerns of businessman, Geoffrey Bess. Bess operates a supermarket situated on a stretch of land located at the entrance of Plastic City, Vreed-en-Hoop Junction.Specific concerns were raised by Bess with regards to the construction of an outpost,Stitched Arizona Cardinals Jerseys, situated on a Government reserve located aback of his business premises.Based on an article published in this newspaper earlier this year, the piece of land had been the subject of a heated dispute that involved the police and even the courts.According to the article, Bess purportedly linked to high ranking officials in the Government, was using his political connections to stop the construction of a fence and outpost being built by the NDC and a Community Policing Group (CPG).Bess reportedly parked his car between the two structures in an attempt to block the construction.  However,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, the businessman said that despite legal action brought against the NDC,China College Jerseys, the construction of the outpost continued.The construction was completed some six months ago.“When I took the matter to court, the NDC told the Judge that the construction is to safeguard the area for illegal vending and other unlawful activities since there are plans to remove vendors from along the Vreed-en-Hoop roadsides.“The judge later ruled that the road shoulder is the responsibility of the Public Works Ministry.”This newspaper understands that the High Court ruling allowed for an investigation to be conducted under the Ministry of Public Works. An official reportedly visited the disputed area last Friday evening to conduct investigative works.“My concern is that the outpost was built for the community policing group because they said it is needed as nurses,Wholesale Nike Shoes Online, school children and even teachers have reportedly been robbed repeatedly. However,Air Max Outlet Online Italia, the outpost is being used as a storage facility.”In a previous report, members of the Best Jetty CPG said that they decided to build the outpost,Adrian Amos Jersey, to assist in tackling crime in the Plastic City area following continuous incidents of robberies in the area.Some of the items stored in the facility.Kaieteur News visited the site on Saturday evening and noticed that boxes of floral arrangements were being stored in the facility built for the CPG outpost.Subsequent attempts made by this newspaper to reach members of the CPG for a further comment proved futile.Bess is maintaining that neither the CPG nor the NDC Councillor had authorization to build a security facility on the government reserve. He is adamant that facility will soon be sold to the highest bidder.“That’s the kind of corruption that is taking place and is going unnoticed because the council has political connection and affiliations”Bess also pointed to a fast food restaurant that was constructed several months ago.He explained that building has a fence that blocks a critical drain  which is not being maintained.Bess is hopeful that authorities will intervene and finally resolve the controversy.Efforts made to contact the NDC for a comment proved futile.

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