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發表於 2019-3-24 23:16:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The police are awaiting an official statement from the mother of a three-year-old boy who was allegedly sodomised by his father, a serving member of the Guyana Police Force.A source at CID headquarters told this newspaper that since the initial report of the incident,Patriots Jersey Liii Jersey, the child’s mother has not returned to the police to give a statement.The source indicated that the father of the child who was placed under close arrest has since been released but could be rearrested once the statement is obtained.The shocking discovery came a week ago when the mother of the child collected him from his father’s house to spend some time with her.She told this newspaper that when she collected the child she first observed that there was nail polish on his fingernails but did not take that for anything sinister.When the child was fed,Bob Cousy Jersey, the woman observed that he was constantly defecating although he had no medical problem. The woman said that she became angry at having to clean up every time he messed up.Curiosity got the better of her and she decided to check the child’s anus. She said that she got the shock of her life.“It was unusually larger than a normal three-year-old’s,Cheap Adidas Shoes,” the woman told this newspaper. When she questioned the child, even more shocking details were revealed.The child related that his father would normally finger his anus. “He said that his daddy would put him to sit on his belly,Wholesale Shoes Uk Cheap,” the woman told this newspaper.The child was eventually taken to the hospital where he was medically examined and it was confirmed that he was indeed sexually molested.The child has since been placed on medication to assist with his recovery. She said that she has taken over custody of the child who is the second of her three sons.“I am not eating. I never expected something like this. It is his only son and I am deeply embarrassed,Cheap Authentic Dallas Cowboys Jerseys,” the woman told this newspaper.Judging from recent developments,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, it is not too clear if the woman will pursue the matter further since she had indicated that she was deeply embarrassed by the entire incident.However,Soccer Jerseys Outlet, neighbours and concerned residents of her community have vowed to support her to ensure that the perpetrator is brought to justice.

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