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發表於 2019-4-3 15:41:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several youths turned out on Friday at the first ever skills and trade persons’ job fair hosted at the Girls Guide Pavilion,Alvin Kamara Jersey, Brickdam, where they were able to signal their interest in employment within the mining sector.This one day event which was made possible through the ISK Services Unlimited allowed potential employees to learn more about the miningSome interested applicants registering at the ISK booth at the fairsector and securing a job.According to Managing Director Dilorece South,Wholesale MLB Jerseys Pro Shop, among services being offered by the company are: securing licences for exploration companies, Environmental Protection Agency licences and procurement services.South added that her company is multi-faceted and caters to small,Cheap MLB Gear, medium and large scale business,Bob Cousy Jersey, particularly those in the exploration business.Some of these medium and large scale mining companies had their equipment on display.Meanwhile,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, representatives were available to answer the questions of those who wished to be employed. On-the-spot interviews were also conducted by the ISK for those seeking employment within the mining sector.These applicants will be added to the company’s database and once an agency indicated the need for skilled personnel,Nike Just Do It Scarpe Air Max, the most suitable candidate would be notified.For those who are added to the ISK database they will be properly screened and will need to provide appropriate references and valid police clearances.Their certificates of qualifications would need to be provided upon request.Kaieteur News understands that the ISK has been fully endorsed by the Ministry of Labour,Wholesale World Cup Jerseys, with officials giving talks at the job fair about safety at work places and the rights of workers.This company will also offer and provide services to both nationals and non-nationals who are seeking employment and mining permits.According to South, the country needs more companies like hers so as to target those who are skilled but find difficulties in securing jobs.With more service-based agencies locally the high levels of unemployment will be targeted and these figures will be reduced.Representatives from the Mahdia Gold Corp at their booth during the skills and trade fair

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