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發表於 2019-4-29 18:41:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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We’re dealing with demons who don’t forget, they keep coming at you – Yarde Under the protection of heavily armed ranks of the Guyana Police Force, officials from the Ministry of Public Works forcibly took possession of a plot of land at Thomas Lands and Vlissengen Road which the Guyana Public Service Union is claiming as theirs.The land in dispute is located at the corner of Vlissengen and Thomas Lands, east of the GPSU sports ground.Officials of the Ministry of Public Works in a face-off with staffers of the GPSU over the disputed land.And while the government said it owns the land under Transport # 1510 of 1974, the GPSU is maintaining that it has occupied the land for more than four decades and has been paying the rates and taxes for the period of occupancy.This was verified by City Mayor Hamilton Green who visited the location yesterday afternoon.According to a press release issued by the Government Information Agency (GINA) the land was leased for a brief period of time by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on May 30th 2008.The release added that the land is demarcated on a survey plan dated May 30, 2008, for an area measuring 2.31 acres.This lease was subsequently relinquished to Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in 2009.However, the Guyana Public Service Union claimed it is unaware of any survey that effectively separated the plot of land that houses the sports ground and complex.GPSU President Patrick Yarde also produced documents dating back to the 1970s to support the payment of rates and taxes for a plot of land that is bordered by Thomas Lands and Vlissengen Road.The union president indicated that the move by the government is in bad faith, especially at a time when the union was willing to be civil in their engagements with the government.“This has been a scheme. The government has been trying to suffocate us. They stopped our dues and they threaten people who want to become members of the union. They have played games with our recognition,” Yarde stated.He pointed to a previous meeting the union held with members of the government including Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon, six days before the survey, and there was no indication that a survey was to be done.Under the protection of the police,Artie Burns Jersey, ministry personnel erected signs prohibiting trespassers.During that meeting also, the government undertook to “fence the ground of the GPSU Sports Complex, finance the rehabilitation and maintenance of the playing field and building, and provide an annual grant to facilitate athletics and sporting activities.He described the move by the government as another of its bullying tactics designed to own and control “state property illegally.’Yesterday was the second time that the government had moved to take possession of the land.According to GINA on October 31st 2009, the Government placed four signs on a portion of Government land located at the corner of Vlissengen and Thomas Lands, next to the GPSU sports ground.GINA said that despite attempts by GPSU officials to prevent the placing of the signs on the land,Scarpe Air Force Just Do It, two signs reading “Property of the Government of Guyana, Trespassers will be prosecuted,” were put up.“Immediately after installation of said signs,Cheap Carolina Panthers Youth Jersey, known GPSU officials physically removed the signs and discarded them on the roadside,” the GINA release stated.“Government views the actions of GPSU as illegal and any attempt to occupy or use will be deemed trespassing and will result in GOG taking all actions to enforce its ownership rights. Government is now in the process of erecting a fence separating the land from that occupied by GPSU,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys,” the release added.Yesterday morning, officials from the Ministry of Public Works again visited the plot of land to re-erect the signs.However, they were met by employees of the union who sternly prevented them from carrying out their intended exercise.“I’ve been advised that this property for the past forty years has been in the domain of the Guyana Public Service Union. There’s a plaque on the premises there which showed that the president (Burnham) had opened this place and ever since the union would have been here undisturbed, occupied the place and no one has attempted to do what we’re seeing at this point and time,” Gomattie Singh, General Secretary of the GPSU told Kaieteur News.The plot of land has been neglected for some time, and according to Singh, the union had undertaken to clear it with a view to resuscitating activities there.“Apparently since that has been going on, maybe their eyes have been set on what has happened and maybe somebody has gotten the notion that we must do something about it,” Singh stated.GPSU President Patrick Yarde said that the government had benefited from the GPSU facility in question many times in the past.“We loaned the government for schools. This is clearly the government’s whole anti-working class stance. There is still a bitterness held over from the 1999 strike…we’re dealing with demons who don’t forget,Kanken Backpack Cheap UK, they keep coming at you,” Yarde said.He said that while the union has the capacity to deal with the situation regarding the land issue,Cheap Adidas Stan Smith Online, an ordinary citizen will have to suffer should the government take similar action against them.He accused the police of acting politically, enforcing anything that the government desires, whether it is right or wrong.“I thought since Nazi Germany was dealt with, this type of ignorance no longer existed. The issue that I have is that this regime feels that they can do anything, abuse anybody and nobody can do anything about it,” Yarde stated.Mayor Hamilton Green recollected that the entire plot of land was given to the GPSU during the regime headed by Forbes Burnham.“As far as I know this land belongs to the GPSU and further from my knowledge, they pay annually taxes to the municipality, and my information is that those payments are up to date. So I don’t understand what is happening. It seems to be another case of bullyism by the agents of the government to ignore history,Wholesale Shoes China Free Shipping, to ignore reality and ignore the law,” the Georgetown Mayor said.The GPSU President said that the union has been discussing the matter with its attorneys and he is confident that it will be resolved in the union’s favour.

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